Monday, 2 February 2009

Sweet Sweat

My plans this week:
Last week was a comfortable 100k as planned. I am feeling good after three long weeks in a row. So ---- it is time for a couple of races, and a shorter week! Just 60k or so will do, supplemented by some walking in the Blue Mountains on the weekend.
Monday 2nd: 4:30pm long run, 5:30pm intervals, Parliament House.
Tuesday 3rd: Race the first Summer Series run, 5k at Stromlo. If the heat is extreme I might try for under 22 minutes. See below for details of the run.
Wednesday 4th: A short and easy run from home.
Thursday 5th: Race ACTMA track, possibly attempt sub 20:00 for 5k
Friday 6th: An hour's stretching in the morning, then rest or jog
Saturday 7th: Rest or jog.
Sunday 8th: Rest or jog.
Then back into it briefly, there will be only two more weeks until the Australian Masters Games in Geelong.

The ACTCCC Hobson Summer Series commences on Tuesday 3rd Feb 09.
The first races (2k and 5k) in this series will be held at Stromlo Forest Park (SFP) off Uriarra Road commencing at 6.15pm. SFP is a purpose built Cross Country Course of well kept grass.
For those of you new to Canberra, SFP is just off the NW corner of the Yellowpages Map 67. Coming from the city Uriarra Road is right off the Cotter Road which in turn is off Adelaide Avenue or The Tuggeranong Parkway. From the northside (Belconnen) come along Coppins Crossing Road off William Hovell Drive. At the T-junction of Coppins Crossing Road and Uriarra Road turn right and then left almost immediately and you are at the SFP entrance.
Runners and parents of junior runners are reminded that to access SFP Cross Country Course, one crosses the Cycling Track (twice). Cyclists will be on the track travelling at high speed before, during and after our events. Please be alert and aware when crossing the Cycling Track and give way to cyclists. Stay on the grassed Cross Country Course and its surrounds and remain safe.
The ACTCCC will have a limited amount of drinking water available at the finish for runners. Taps are situated close to the course. However, in view of the current extremely hot weather runners are encouraged to bring water bottles and water to the races and to make sure they are well hydrated before competing. -Ken Eynon

Canberra Half Marathon Training Group
The ACTCCC will commence in the next few weeks a Novice Half Marathon Training Program. Full details and registrations can be made via our website This year will see the running of the 40th Canberra Half Marathon. -Ken Eynon