Monday, 5 January 2009

There for the taking

This is where my mother went on holidays this week.


My plan for week 2 of 2009:
Monday 5th: An hour's stretching in the morning. Parliament House in the heat of the afternoon, a run at 4:30pm measuring out the intervals we will be training on, then speedygeese training at 5:30pm.
Tuesday 6th: Stromlo at 6:00pm for a 5k tempo run. Plan for 22 minutes despite the heat.
Wednesday 7th: A recovery run around Belconnen.
Thursday 8th: A race at Masters Track. Planning to do the 1500m, not too hard.
Friday 9th: A recovery run around Belconnen
Saturday 10th: Stromlo intervals 9:00am, 3x1km.
Sunday 11th: Stromlo long run 8:00am to complete 90k. As mentioned, this week promises to be hot so the challenge will be completing the distance targets.

Transformation key 3: Stay dissatisfied, even frustrated, with where you are now. Stay passionate about wanting to change. Knowing that what could be is so much better than what is, never quit, never be satisfied, never be content with mediocrity, never think of yourself as average. Don't mark time, don't get complacent, keep running!

Liana: Now I am Six

When I was one I'd just begun,
When I was two I was nearly new,
When I was three I was hardly me,
When I was four I was not much more,
When I was five I was barely alive,
But now I am six! As clever as clever!
And I think I'll stay six now for ever and ever!
- a.a.milne

But knowing Liana, I think she will be wanting to be seven, then eight, as soon as she can be! Happy Birthday, Liana, six years old today!