Form guide part two: these are some of the speedygeese we haven't seen of late!
Adam Robinson: Trained regularly then got married. Probably in great form, but none of us will ever know!
Amalendu Edelsten: Proof that a former life as a gymnast can make you a remarkably fast and strong runner. Probably has several former lives.
Annette Sugden: once trained with us regularly (i.e. once a month) but left these shores last year for greener pastures.
Barbara Tucker: another export, to a very foreign country endeed (New Zilland)
Carol Baird: runs all day up hill, down dale, and through creeks - the last of which was her downfall.
Carol Ey: a goose before there was any thought of geese, ran the London marathon once, under 2:50, and is still running.
Carolyne Kramer: still a baby goose (sleeps like a baby) and will learn to fly before she learns to run, I imagine.
Charmaine Knobel: ran with us each week before becoming our first mole in the runners shop. ("mole": underground goose.)
Christine O’Keeffe: a.k.a. "the other Christine", should rejoin us, as she would become "the real Christine".
David Webster: thank God he doesn't train, or he'd be thrashing us all.
Jacqui Rosier: light of foot, inhabits Dickson in winter, hibernates in summer. I didn't know geese hibernated!
Jeni Greenland: has copyrighted "speedygosling" in case you didn't know. Is that fair?
Jenny Langton: Escaped to Brisvegas and sends the occasional "joke" via email to prove that, if not alive and well, at least is still breathing.
Jill Pearson: her 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 new year resolutions were to start training again. Never mind Jill: you brought Joel and Yelena to us, your job is done.
John Alcock: when did he stop training with us? I missed that. Perhaps he still tags along.
Kathy Southgate: claims to be a goose but is too good to be seen with us. Hey, does anyone think our training group could appoint a Patron?
Kevin Chamberlain: trains by correspondence, as he lives interstate. (i.e. Queanbeyan)
Lisa Wilson: part time goose who is due for a come-back. Again.
Matthew Hardy: who? Also, Sue Bourke, Michael Rutter, Kevin Matthews, and more. The only thing I remember about them is they all run very fast.
Maureen Rossiter: naturally talented runner who races occasionally and trains less often than that.
Peter Hogan: has been observed to enter races more often than social events. But only recently.
Peter McDonald: has been observed at social events.
Roger Pilkington: has been seen only at races recently. Planning to run thirty marathons this year Roger?
Trevor Cobbold: flies in for a rare speed session, flies out again sore.
Zel Bodulovic: sometimes seen fleetingly and ghost-like in the distance when we are training. Very solid for a ghost.
This from 1988: 21 years ago. Click to expand.
Falls Creek, Victoria: where all the top athletes have been running (i.e. at altitude): album at