Monday night training
At training this Monday were Tim, returning after a long absence but still super-fit, MickC who appeared late, maybe he couldn’t find us early, or perhaps he was just avoiding the heat, Carolyne whom we haven’t seen for a long time and who was content to catch up with old friends, Jodie who was Bronwyn’s intrepid lap scorer on Thursday and swears she didn’t miscount the laps, although how would she know as she didn’t arrive until the race was well under way, Bronwyn the 10k runner who with Jodie’s help knocked 96 seconds off her time, i.e. about one lap's worth, Joel fresh from holidaying in Peru and meeting all of Yelena’s friends and relatives and is so pleased to be back, Yelena ditto except she wishes she were still there, and good luck in tonight’s 3k, Neil completing his weekly training run without any trouble, and keen to promote tonight's interclub/grand prix track meet, Rachelle tempo running around the circuit at about my training pace, Ewen supplementing a hot run along the lake shore with an attempt in the sprints to outrun Tim and Bronwyn who were racing each other as usual, Ruth now marathon training who also ran early with Ewen and me but ran faster at the start to catch us and may have run further than we did to make pit stops, Cathy now six-foot training (see below) and looking even fitter than usual, Yili starting his track career and pushing hard, working hard, and me the only wimp in the group nursing a few niggles and saving my strength for a rainy day.
Song of the week
Hamburg Song, by Keane. This song is brilliant brilliant brilliant. Go to
Thursday night program 22 January (track)
6:00pm sprint hurdles
6:15pm 1500m walk
6:30pm 100 (Daniels)
6:50pm 1500m
7:10pm 100m
7:20pm one hour run
Jogalong result from 4 January
Cathy Montalto 31.31, Caroline Campbell 33.59
Torture on a high mountain
The definition of “Montalto” is “High Mountain”. And “Catherine” is the name of a fourth century saint and martyr from Alexandria who was tortured on the wheel. So it is not inappropriate that our Cathy is training for the Six Foot Track, aka “torture on a high mountain.” You go girl! You are without doubt a “woman with altitude”.
Cathy herself is here.
Staying Alive
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk. Music loud and women warm. I've been kicked around since I was born.
(all together now...)