Good weather for Goslings!
Rain - 68 mm in our rain gauge this morning from yesterday's steady rain, three times more than we have measured any day all year. And the capacity of our gauge is 68mm, the gauge was full. So it could have been more.
Earthquake - I felt and heard the very light earthquake yesterday afternoon. Centred near Murrumbateman, 1 on the Richter scale. Quite an unusual event.
Fire - The BBQ Stakes Christmas relay was won by Helen and Bernice Wednesday. Helen ran the first 3k leg (uphill) and Bernice the second. Teams have to guess their time and are handicapped accordingly.
Wind - It's blowing warm today. I hope no-one expected me at Stromlo this morning. I slept in expecting the track would be water-logged from all the rain and therefore closed, but the wind may have dried things out.
Funeral - Kerryn McCann farewelled in Wollongong yesterday. Story here.
Photos - last set from Innabaanya:
1. Middle of the pack (Gary)
2-6. The gathered throng.
Fire and Rain
I just love the rain. A persistent, drenching rain like yesterday's is brilliant, everything becomes so sparkly and fresh. Yet the media and the "indoors people" of this world complain and grumble about it, calling it "miserable weather" and talking about how "glorious" it would be if it were not raining.
How to be unhappy #3 - have a pessimistic view of everything. See the down side of rain, of sun, of fire, of earthquake. Because the future is unknown, fear the worst. Talk up the possibility of failure and minimise the hope of success. Expect disappointment and misery. Your attitude will be reinforced as you focus on the negative and that is all you end up seeing.