Sunday, 14 December 2008

I thought the sunny days would never end

It’s time to make a stand
This year’s “Higgins” race, due to the shemozzle at the start, has no reliable times unless you timed yourself. The “Official” results are below, in order across the line. My best guess is that most times, but not all, will be between 2 and 6 seconds faster than indicated.
2 Geoff Sims M60 2:28
4 Mick Horan M45 2:19
5 Kevin Chamberlain M60 2:32
8 Tony Booth M70 2:53
9 Rod Lynch M45 2:28
10 Gary Bowen M50 2:33
14 Kathy Sims W55 3:02
15 Katie Forestier W40 2:51
17 Amanda Walker W40 2:55
21 Helen Larmour W45 3:02
25 Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee W35 3:03
27 Roger Pilkington M45 3:05
31 Neil Boden M55 3:17
32 Bronwyn Calver W35 3:10
36 Geoff Barker M60 4:03
The Higgins is capable of being run properly by the right person. I may volunteer to do it and the other two Pennington events in future if such a person is not available and if I am not racing.
By the way, the start group times, I think, are still flawed, despite being altered a few years back, but I suspect any move to bring attention to that fact would be unsuccessful.

M45 Rod Lynch 10:38.64 78.1%
M45 Roger Pilkington 11:44.29 70.9
W40 Katie Forestier 12:17.69 72.5
M50 Gary Bowen 12:20.33 68.5
M45 Yili Zhu 12:21.33 65.2 *Yili's first track run (with ACTMA, anyway)
W45 Helen Larmour 12:40.70 76.3
W40 Amanda Walker 13:04.49 67.5
W35 Bronwyn Calver 13:12.49 65.7
M35 Adam Robinson 13:59.74 53.5
M70 Tony Booth 14:04.33 71.2
M60 Geoff Barker 15:13.27 62.1

The "Geoff Moore" 3000m Series: many have already qualified at the half-way mark of the season.
Progress points - men
1. Bruce Graham 85.1% average best of 5
2. Michael Leahey 79.7
3. Rod Lynch 75.4
4. Roger Abbott 72.5
5. Jim White 69.7
6. Dale Moore 68.7
7. Roger Pilkington 67.7
8. Gary Bowen 67.1
9. Bruce Hoogendoorn 61.3
10. Nick Blackaby 59.9

Progress points - women
1. Helen Larmour 75.0%
2. Katie Forestier 73.2
3. Amanda Walker 67.6
4. Bronwyn Calver 64.6

Men “Knocking on the door”
Paul Considine 79.0 (4 races)
Geoff Moore 76.4 (4 races)

Women “Knocking on the door”
Anne Young 80.3 (4 races)

"Susanne the plans they made put an end to you"

Just as good now as he ever was.