2009: The year of travelling.
Here are some coming events I am definitely interested in, and expect to enter:
Australian Masters Games. 21-25 February 2009. Geelong. Mick, surely you will be in this one? I see five or six of us booking hotel rooms. There's an 8k cross country on the 21st, then track the next four days, with 5000m the longest track event.
AMA National Championships, Adelaide, Easter: 10-13 April 2009. A 10k track the first day, 1500 the second, 5k the third, and 8k cross country the 4th.
World Masters Games, Sydney, 10-18 October 2009. Not to be missed!

Actually, being irritating is now a crime in Sydney! Golly, I expect to be arrested. Is this society stupid or what?
Someone's heads too big.