Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Another Girl

It's Helen.

Only one month until the Olympics! Time is certainly flying. Just think, it's eight years since Sydney 2000! I will be glued to the athletics.

Make the most of each day, they fly by!

A selection from my personal training notes:
Winter at present
Mondays PH 14k Start at 4:30pm, do speed session too
Tuesdays Vets 24k Start early and run twice
Wednesdays gym/BBQ 12k full warm-up, race 6k
Thursdays Run early + Dickson = 24k Dickson supervise
Fridays Stromlo 12k My speed session
Saturdays Long run up to 26k, shorter if racing Sunday
Sundays Jog 8k Rest or catch-up. Or race
Total 120k max

But as I say soon, this may change.

Last Summer
Mondays Speed / Tempo
Tuesdays Long Steady
Wednesdays Easy
Thursdays Race
Fridays Rest
Saturdays Tempo / Speed (opposite of Monday)
Sundays Easy

The main principles I have been following:
(a) A long day each week is important. Perhaps extend the distance every couple of weeks.
(b) One rest day is a good idea - remember the "Sabbath day" principle.
(c) The longest day should be preceded by a speed day and followed by an easy day; that way, appropriate recoveries occur.
(d) Three demanding days in a row should never be attempted.