How fast should our long run be?
Running longer improves fitness like nothing else. When we mix speed days - interval training where we run our fastest pace or tempo in short bursts - and easy days, where we run moderate distances at a slow pace - and long days, where we adapt to spending time running, and where we extend the time on our feet as we improve, just how fast should we be running on these very long days?
I think we should not run our long runs slowly, we should try and run them as fast as it is sensible to. But how fast is that?
I leave the question open for now!
Today I had a most comfortable 20k run, even after the 17 200s of yesterday I found it very pleasant. And fantastic company added to the enjoyment. I feel I can run a lot further, but will hold back the distance for a couple of weeks still, as I don't want to do too much too soon. But I can definitely go farther and/or faster!
Never mind, training will continue as usual
At both Parliament House and Stromlo this week, we will run some shorter intervals with longer recoveries than we sometimes do.
I have "pulled the poll" about winter training because I have already made up my mind; from April onwards I won't be cancelling Parliament House and I won't be cancelling Dickson. I may end up doing a session at Stromlo "by myself" in the middle of the day, Wednesday. To which of course others can come if they wish and are able. Thursday, Dickson, will be an opportunity for me to do a very long run first, then focus on coaching. Rest assured, I wouldn't expect nor invite anyone to do both Wednesday and Thursday speed sessions flat out!