Monday, 18 February 2008

Cool Poem

My training progress
last week’s target: 100k
achieved: 100k
year 2008 total to date: 642k in 7 weeks
this week’s target: 90k
weight: 64kg ▼

poem of the week: "Six Significant Landscapes". Something different: A very cool poem and some discussion of it, at

I was hoping to ease off for this Thursday's 10k but I don't think I can, I have too many running commitments! I will run it anyway and see what I can do. A proper ease-off will have to wait until the next 10k track, in Blacktown in April. Who knows, sometimes training through brings just as good results as easing off might.

Long Runs at High Speed (continued)
Many of the best runners in the world do a high volume of long runs at a very high intensity - in fact, just below their lactic threshold. Does that mean that we (60 year olds) too should be running a high volume of continuous long runs at relatively high intensities?

I know we need more recovery time as we get older. But can we and should we handle the equivalent training loads? is today's question.

Coming through!

Watch out, oh slow ones. We geese and other speedy creatures take no prisoners...