Tuesday, 18 September 2007

In a bunch, in a bunch.

Monday Night at Parliament House saw sore Fun Runners consolidate their aches by running four intervals over 730m with a 350m jog recovery in teams of two. It is nearly light enough by the end of the session at 6:30pm to still see. If only daylight saving were to start early; I think it starts on 28 October this year, but everyone disagrees with me. I think it ends on 6 April next year, one week later than it used to, and I think it starts on the first Sunday in October next year, not this. But because everyone else thinks it starts early this year, I need someone who really knows, to tell me the correct dates. I will be very happy to say "I was wrong"!

Running last night were Alan, Cathy, Charmaine, Christopher, Colin, Emma, Ewen, me, Helen, Joel, Kathy, Katie, Kelley, Ken, Neil, Rachelle, Ruth, Sonia, and Yelena. Welcome new starter Kelley, our first PCRG ("Pat Carroll Running Group") recruit!

Peter's return to racing

Peter Hogan running the half marathon recently.

Peter's the one with the hat and the chest number. He ran in Sunday's CTFR, and seemed to be going quite well.