I have come across, via one of my “running writing” links (Vanilla of “Half-Fast”), an article from Runners World on the “180 strides per minute” story. Which supports everything I said. Although, they reckon you can increase your stride rate by running some downhill intervals. Well, yes, but you need to do something which increases your stride rate on the flat and uphill as well. Downhill intervals would have a role in teaching the muscles to move faster. But practise up and down hill. They also reckon you should pump your arms a little faster and your legs will follow. That’s dead right! And on the topic of tempo, cadence, 180 steps, please stand by, I will be publishing my “How To Run Faster and Further” article very soon!
Canberra Times Fun Run
Results will be out tomorrow! (Go the Geese!)
Fast Rae
Rae "Are YOU Really 60?" Palmer running the half marathon. Getting FITter and faster, she ran a good Canberra Times Fun Run on Sunday.