Wednesday, 25 July 2007

I really don't know what to say...

Once upon a time, back in the dim, dark past, Athletics Associations controlled all running. If you wanted to line up and race each other, you first had to join a club, then buy a uniform, then make sure it was tucked in, and only then could you be a runner. Naturally, anyone who was not young and super fast would not fit in.

But then along came Orienteering, Triathlons, Fun Runs, Road Runner Clubs, Cool Runners, and the list goes on. Everyone could organise their own running group and they didn't have to join the official Association. And running became accessible to all.

But deep down, some with long memories and little vision wished the past would return.

OK, last Saturday's full results of the 8k and 12k cross country races have still not appeared. What has appeared is a short list of names and times which only includes registered athletes. Gosh, the 1970s live again!

I can't imagine the Canberra Marathon, or the Gold Coast (National Championships) Marathon, or the City to Surf Fun Run, etc etc, leaving out of their results all but registered athletes.

It's historical and it's rubbish.

A very speedy goose

Real Runner Katie, who ran a blinder in the 8k on Saturday. But of course her name is not included in their results.