The quote is from Dr Who, which I have started watching again after a few decades' break. Very entertaining.
This Sunday's Vets Handicap at Mt Taylor has a slightly different start point and a change of course. As it turns out, the new course looks much better than the old, see the map here.
The BBQ Stakes was on yesterday, and as it was a beautiful sunny and still day, I couldn't resist going out and running it. I ran ~34:16, which compares with ~40:58 two weeks ago, so the left leg (hammie/glute) is starting to improve. Roger and Charlie both ran and did quite well; Charlie was third on handicap, Roger held back a little as he is running the Bush Capital Marathon on Saturday.
Louise has been checking out jogtunes for 180bpm songs. Some interesting finds: Rock around the Clock, Great Balls of Fire, Rockin Robin. I haven't looked far yet, but No Way Back by Foo Fighters might be a candidate.
Strewth is due back today.
See you at Dickson tonight; we are running the last of the timed 2ks, then in future weeks we move into speed-endurance training of various forms. I expect to get there early (4:30pm) for an 8k warm up run; most people arrive before the official start time of 5:30pm.
"A true friend is someone who survives transitions between address books."