Wednesday, 13 April 2005

Happy Birthday Pam

Pam Faulks turns 45 today - welcome to the new age group! Pam, I hope you enjoy the celebrations, as you continue to celebrate that wonderful marathon run last Sunday, 4:36.27 on debut. You gave it everything and fully deserve everyone's heartfelt congratulations. Your performance and effort was as good as anyone's on the day. Well done! It was a lot of hard work to get there, but you did it!

Pam has been running in Canberra for at least 15 years, running 6k jogalong times in just over 30 minutes, and 10k times just over 50 minutes. That 5 minutes per k rate has always been a bit of a target and a bit of a challenge. Who knows, with a good marathon run under her belt, there may be some good shorter races on the horizon, and maybe a chance to get down under that 5 minute barrier.

Another Team-Moore-ese who has just moved into a new age group. Ray Bramwell turned 70 last week.