Tuesday, 12 April 2005

2005 Canberra Marathon

Last Sunday saw the running of the 2005 Canberra Marathon. In very hot conditions the biggest field in twenty years struggled to run the times they had marked on their forearms. A few ran PBs, while for many it was their very first marathon.
I am pleased to say that all in our group did well - not one dnf.

Here are our training group performances.

112 David Webster M ACT 53 3:14:27
221 John Kennedy M ACT 54 3:31:15
313 Ken Eynon M ACT 59 3:44:54
337 Bill Leyden M ACT 59 3:48:46
392 Cathy Newman F ACT 44 3:54:38
512 Ruth Baussmann F ACT 54 4:09:31
541 Gabrielle Brown F ACT 41 4:14:23
674 Pam Faulks F ACT 44 4:36:27
681 Ewen Thompson M ACT 47 4:37:39
721 Karen Collins F ACT 57 4:50:03

Full results are available at http://www.canberramarathon.com.au/images/cm2005marathon.html.

There are also quite a few other friends whose performances were of particular interest to me.

11 Nick Walshe M ACT 26 2:43:10
16 Trevor Jacobs M ACT 53 2:45:39
22 Angela Bateup F NSW 35 2:47:15
80 Richard Faulks M ACT 45 3:07:30
126 Bob Harlow M ACT 57 3:16:27
200 Rob Ey M ACT 45 3:27:42
231 Carol Baird F ACT 56 3:32:49
233 Graham Burke M ACT 58 3:33:13
244 Debbie Cowell F ACT 45 3:34:43
327 Carolyne Kramar F ACT 40 3:47:56
568 Mario Larocca M NSW 55 4:18:22

p.s. Just what IS success?