Saturday, 19 October 2019

Riverbank parkrun launch

Speedygeese and some of the friends of the geese, in the Riverbank parkrun #1, in Yass
11 Daniel GREEN 21:23 M30
14 Brendan BELCHER 21:49 M35
15 Scott IMHOFF 22:18 M40
16 Giles LAMB 22:50 M45
21 Sandeep CHANDRA 23:23 M45
22 James O'NEILL 23:24 M50
37 William BARLOW 24:02 M35
38 Bruce PERRY 24:07 M50
46 Geoff MOORE 24:47 M70
52 Lisa MCDONALD 25:06 W45
69 Joanna BELCHER 25:54 W35
80 Robin FIELDHOUSE 26:59 M45
85 Gary BOWEN 27:34 M60
95 Ricky SOMERVILLE 28:28 M50
119 Andrew SMITH 30:38 M45
183 Bob HARLOW 36:52 M70
187 Margaret MCSPADDEN 37:25 W70
210 Carolyne KRAMAR 39:15 W55
240 Jim WHITE 42:59 M70
290 John HARDING 53:18 M65
301 Jo DYNON 55:17 W35
333 finishers

A great day, a great course, 333 finishers, good to see Margaret and Gwen (Gwen mislaid her bar code so isn't in the results), good to see Bob and Carolyne. My time was not very good as I plodded the long uphill x 2, and held myself back on the return downhills. Great work by the organisers and course volunteers.

Some of John (and Carol) Harding's photos: