Friday, 6 September 2019

Thursday evening speedygeese training

From Ruth: "A balmy evening for Speedygeese Rose Garden intervals tonight and a good turnout for a Thursday. Celina and Kev had to leave before the photo but the lovely Bron called in to see us just in time! ❤️"

The second lot of Rose Garden 200s this week, to be continued on the next few Thursdays weather permitting.
Colin, Shane: 13 on 2:20
Paul Q, Brownie, Jen: 12 on 2:30
Kevin: started on 2:30 and after a while joined the 3:00 group
Jennie, Ruth, Celina: 10 on 3:00
Jenny M: 9 on 3:30

I supervised, and Bron turned up at the end to see how we all were. We were fine.