Today was a 17km day. That's right, the distances are gradually increasing which bodes well for future performances. Not to mention longevity etc. If I'd been sick anytime in those 221 days I would have skipped a day. That's a long time of not being sick. Today I ran 2k in the morning and did a quite demanding 50 minute exercise circuit in the gym. Then this evening I ran before speedygeese training an 8k at a good clip, then supervised the speedygeese training session where they ran 12 x 40 seconds on 2 minutes, I did the first 11, and I completed another 7k. Won't push the pace this Saturday, plan to run with Jenny May while she completes her 100th parkrun - this is at Ginninderra.
Speedygeese training tonight were Ruth back from her marathon already, Dave, Jen, Isaac, Colin, Brownie, Lisa and me.
Thommo playing up running the marathon.
Moral of the story today - running is good for the health.