Today I ran at Stromlo Forest Park with the speedygeese, and hurrah! It was 24 degrees with a cool breeze.
The group ran 6 x 500m hills at the pimple end of the park; I joined them and ran all of them.
So, running were Eden (new), Allie, Paul Q, Andrew, Rohan, Celina, Lisa, Jennie, Jenny, and me.
Others sighted were Vanessa P, and Kevin with Chloe.
Afterwards we retreated to Handlebar where I tried a Crankshaft, definitely not overrated!
Here's Lisa's drink. Cheers.
p.s. because it was Black Saturday's 10th anniversary, my wife and I watched "Then the wind changed" tonight. More traumatic than I remembered, my thoughts go out once again to those affected, particularly to Bron and her family.