Friday, 13 July 2018

YCRC newsletter

No Club events this weekend, but next week sees the Runners’ Shop 2/5/10k at Grevillea Park on Saturday 21 July. The 2 km is at 12.45 pm, the 5 km at 1.00 pm and the 10 km at 1.30 pm. This is one of the premier events on our winter program and is sponsored by The Runners Shop – so lots of vouchers up for offer, both for the top end of the field and barrel draws for the rest of us (as well as one for the volunteers). As mentioned last week, these events will be run jointly with AACT and LAACT, and will incorporate the ACT Road Championships. As usual this is free to YCRC and AACT/LAACT members, otherwise $10 adults, $5 under 18s. Just sign up on the day. Check out the new course on our Facebook page.
A reminder that we are always looking for helpers for our winter series events. If you can help out at any of our winter series races, please contact Dave Osmond
Sunday 22 July will be the first session for our popular Canberra Times Fun Run Training Group. While there is no 14k at the Fun Run this year, the program will still cater for those who are looking at this as an intermediate step before tackling a half marathon a bit further down the track. Over the years this program has developed a great reputation for the fabulous support provided by the co-ordinators, Jo Legge-Wilkinson and George Masri, along with all their helpers. So if you, or anyone you know, would like a bit of help to get motivated to train through the Canberra winter, this is a great program to join. Click here for more information or to register.
As noted previously, the Club is a strategic partner for the Canberra Times Fun Run on 23 September. This means we are providing both volunteers and pacers for the event. Please contact Paul Mahoney ( if you are able to volunteer on the day. We have a range of roles to fill including drivers and cyclists as well as on the start line, so let him know if you have any particular preference. And contact Paul Trumble ( if you are interested in a pacer role.
The ACT Masters' 37th Annual Half Marathon on 19 August at Lake Ginninderra will also be the Australian Masters national championships. This event is open to all competitors over 30, so a good opportunity to run a fast half marathon course with good competition. See the ACT Masters website for more details.
And finally, we had a problem with the delivery of the Jogalong Jottings at our July Jogalong. This is now available online at the bottom of our Jogalong webpage. We are hoping to resume the regular posting of the Jottings online, so that if you don’t make it along you can still catch up with all the news. We are also considering the need for a hard copy version, so if you have any views please let Lucy or Annemarie know at the next Jogalong.
Upcoming events:
  • 21 July Runners Shop 2/5/10k at Grevillea Park
  • 4 August Dunrossil Drive 2.1/4.2 k Yarralumla
  • 5 August Women and Girls' Jogalong Weston Park
  • 18 August Hackett 2/3/6k Antill St Hackett
  • 2 September Women and Girls' Jogalong Weston Park