Thursday, 7 June 2018

ACT Masters Cross Country Championships 2018

Cross Country championships will be held in conjunction with AACT and LAACT at Stromlo Forest Park on Saturday 30 June, 2018.
Under 70 Masters will run 8k starting at 10:35. Masters 70+ (men and women) will run 6k starting at 11:15.
Further details are on the Athletics ACT website :
On-line entries may be made at until Wednesday 27th June 9:00pm. No late entries or entry on the day.
Volunteers are also required to help out.  Please contact Roger Pilkington 0409 543826 or Nigel England 0477 341334 If you can assist.

I can enter and run "only" 6k this year! Hoping to be fit enough to do so!