Friday, 25 May 2018

This week’s speedygeese training sessions

Sunday 20 May long run [Dave]: With a number of speedygeese at the UTA, a smallish group lined up at Calwell Shops for this morning's long run around Tuggeranong Hill,Theodore Hill and part of Gordon in 4 degrees and fog. Welcome to newbie to the group, Deborah.
William led most of the way while James, Cameron and I stuck in there for the 21k (about 500 metres vert). Ewen, Shane, Skully, Ricky, Isaac and Deborah did the 15k. Helen may have been there but there was no evidence. A passerby did snap a pic of her having a snooze but my geospatial feature recognition technology was unable to pinpoint the location. 😯
Notable events included: Williams drone malfunction, which gave us the opportunity to climb an extra hill while he fixed it (although he still put together a great video - ); my unsuccessful attempt at fence jumping - finally met a worthy challenge; big (huge!) breakfast and large coffee (with fat cow milk) for $12; the eerie peacefulness (Jen was watching UTA); and Skully's thoughtful gesture, leaving a marking point at the 5-way intersection (why do dogs always do that? 😂).
Thank you to Shane and Isaac, for upholding the tradition and getting lost - going halfway up Tuggeranong Hill unintentionally. 🤣 😝 Due to the incredible skills of the course creator and his brilliant leadership along the way, the 21k runners stuck perfectly on course.
Next week William is leading the course, starting near the arboretum at the national rock garden at 8am sharp. We might even get to see some of the YMCA half marathon along the way.
Don't forget Speedy Geoff Moore's speedwork sessions at 5.30pm Mondays and Thursdays at Parliament House.

Monday 21 May At Parliament House: 2 big flagpole laps fast, 1 recovery, 2 fast: Warrick, Craig, Ricky, Bernardo, Isaac, Candy, Angus (new), Giles, Dom, Bron, Rae, Joel, Sandeep, Paul, Deborah, and me (half the session). Tori arrived later too.

Thursday 24 May At Parliament House: No sign of Ruth on her birthday. Nevertheless eight of us attended. I jogged around supervising; Dave got lost and ran around the lake instead, while running 10 x 1 minute fast/2 minutes slow around the lower flagpoles were new Dave, Colin, Brendan, Jen, Isaac, and Ricky.