Thursday, 31 May 2018

YCRC newsletter

Congratulations to everyone who finished our half marathon on Sunday. The weather was perfect for running and there should have been lots of PBs. The best improvement I have heard about was over 14 minutes! Thanks to our organising committee and the band of volunteers who looked after everyone so well. The Saturday afternoon events also were well patronised with increased numbers in the kids 1.6k especially.

Next year will be the 50th Canberra Half Marathon so we are planning some special activities to recognise this milestone. If anyone has any memorabilia that could be used as part of the celebrations, please let us know.

Sunday 3 June our regular Women and Girls' Jogalong will be held in Weston Park. The 6km handicap event and the 3km scratch will start at 9am and the 1.6km for kids a little later. There will be child minding available.

Our June events are as follows:
3 June 0900 Women and Girls' Jogalong in Weston Park 1.6/3/6k
16 June 0800 Longstaff/Pennington 4/8/16k AT Stromlo Forest Park
23 June 1245 Age/gender Handicap 2/5k at Stromlo.

"Im in!"

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

All the recent speedygeese race results

BBQ Stakes 6k 16 May
6. Bronwyn Calver 37:32
13. James O'Neill 29:03
19. Jodie Davis 46:09
23. Roger Pilkington 39:25
29. William Barlow 25:50
36. Ewen Thompson 34:01
50. Caroline Campbell 42:15
51. Gary Bowen 34:02
60. Ricky Somerville 39:04
61. Peter Thomson 56:34
68 finishers

YCRC Stromlo Forest Park 4k 19 May
15. Ewen Thompson 19:32
23. Peter Thomson 31:45
23 finishers

YCRC Stromlo Forest Park 6k 19 May
12. Craig Wurtz 29:04
17 finishers

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 22 May
3. Jason Lewis 29:22
4. Sandeep Chandra 30:36
7. Ewen Thompson 36:25
8. Roger Pilkington 38:43
10. Michael Thomson 28:55
12. James O'Neill 30:17
15 finishers

Customs Joggers 5k 25 May
1 Roger Pilkington 27:54
2 Ewen Thompson 27:12
3 Susan Sturgeon 24:43
4 Colin Farlow 19:20
5 Craig Wurtz 24:09
15 Bill Arthur 29:49
17 Yili Zhu 23:39
22 Caroline Campbell 37:49 40:49
27 Peter Thomson 44:18
28 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #315
26 May
16 Gavin Mongan 20:37 M35
50 Chloe Miller 23:30 W11
52 Kevin Miller 23:41 M40
58 David Baussmann 23:59 M65
99 Celina Miller 27:51 W35
100 Jacob Miller 27:52 M11
108 Bron Sparkes 28:15 W40
127 Ruth Baussmann 29:03 W65
134 Jane Lilley 29:14 W45
221 Cathy Newman 43:06 W55
223 Dom Sparkes 43:12 M11
255 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #274 26 May
8 David Clarke 19:54 M60
15 Shane Wright 21:05 M45 **New PB**
31 Chris Gammon 21:59 M55
40 David Webster 22:57 M65
101 Kerron Clare 27:36 W50
173 Ewen Thompson 35:08 M60
209 Peter Thomson 43:46 M55
246 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #243 26 May
42 Janene Kingston 24:30 W50
233 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #103 26 May
34 Amanda McCormack 22:33 W35
62 Elizabeth Bennett 25:10 W55
173 Caroline Campbell 49:47 W75
173 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #11 26 May
56 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #5 26 May
54 William Arthur 30:24 M65 **New PB**
55 Giles Lamb 30:25 M40
99 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #56 26 May
1 Bernardo Palma 18:55 M30
23 Lisa McDonald 28:07 W40
89 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #16 26 May
6 William Barlow 20:27 M35
96 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #108 26 May
39 finishers

Huskisson 5k parkrun #18 26 May
4 Brendan Belcher 20:58 M35
36 Gary Bowen 25:06 M60
46 Bronwyn Calver 26:05 W45
133 finishers

Mitchelton 5k parkrun #253 26 May
58 Ron Vines 24:21 M75
85 Julie Hill-Webber 25:34 W45
168 Margaret McSpadden 31:12 W70
212 Gwen Vines 36:20 W70
289 finishers

YMCA Half Marathon Eve 1.6k 26 May
21. William Barlow (with April) 8:05
31. Daniel Bright U8 8:59
79 finishers

YMCA Half Marathon Eve 5k 26 May
7. Jennifer Bright 19:53
9. Rohan Pitchford 21:00
12. Michael Thomson 22:55
16. Ewen Thompson 24:46
54 finishers

YMCA Half Marathon
27 May
27. Jeff Grey M50-54 1:29:14.2
36. Giles Lamb M40-44 1:31:11.6
64. Nigel England M55-59 1:38:18.9
73. Chris Gammon M55-59 1:39:40.5
127. Michael Thompson M50-54 1:48:52.4
129. Jennifer Kellett F60-64 1:49:09.7
144. Craig Wurtz M50-54 1:51:11.9
185. Sandeep Chandra M45-49 1:58:09.7
201. Rohan Pitchford M50-54 1:59:42.8
219. Roger Pilkington M55-59 2:03:35.8
226. Ricky Somerville M50-54 2:04:29.7
250. Ruth Baussmann F65-69 2:10:28.2
253. Jennie Blake F60-64 2:11:41.6
277. William Arthur M65-69 2:18:36.5
282. Peter Thomson M55-59 2:54:35.8
311 finishers

ACTMA Callum Brae anticlockwise 8k 27 May
8 Nadine Morrison W45 43:52
10 David Webster M65 41:05
14 Rod Lynch M55 35:46
22 Mick Charlton M65 56:11
29 finishers

ACTMA Callum Brae anticlockwise 4.3k 27 May
1 Cathy Newman W55 32:10
12 Jill Pearson W60 26:19
21 finishers

Merimbula 10k Fun Run 27 May
25 James O'Neill 47:21
37 Amanda Ruffin 52:19
68 finishers

Cotter Canter 10K 28 May
28. David Clarke 45:59
30. Narelle Desmet 46:17
32. Christopher Martin 47:00
75. Graeme Smyth 53:22
89. Jason Lewis 55:02
95. Ewen Thompson 56:30
103. Michael Thomson 57:51
119. Sue Bowden 61:28
169 finishers

Cotter Canter 5K 28 May
21. Bron Sparkes 26:20
26. Dom Sparkes 27:24
116 finishers

Monday, 28 May 2018

No Way Back

Song of the Week. "No Way Back", by Foo Fighters.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

@ Mt Ainslie parkrun

Giles and Bill. Geese. Speedy. Flying.

Friday, 25 May 2018

This week’s speedygeese training sessions

Sunday 20 May long run [Dave]: With a number of speedygeese at the UTA, a smallish group lined up at Calwell Shops for this morning's long run around Tuggeranong Hill,Theodore Hill and part of Gordon in 4 degrees and fog. Welcome to newbie to the group, Deborah.
William led most of the way while James, Cameron and I stuck in there for the 21k (about 500 metres vert). Ewen, Shane, Skully, Ricky, Isaac and Deborah did the 15k. Helen may have been there but there was no evidence. A passerby did snap a pic of her having a snooze but my geospatial feature recognition technology was unable to pinpoint the location. 😯
Notable events included: Williams drone malfunction, which gave us the opportunity to climb an extra hill while he fixed it (although he still put together a great video - ); my unsuccessful attempt at fence jumping - finally met a worthy challenge; big (huge!) breakfast and large coffee (with fat cow milk) for $12; the eerie peacefulness (Jen was watching UTA); and Skully's thoughtful gesture, leaving a marking point at the 5-way intersection (why do dogs always do that? 😂).
Thank you to Shane and Isaac, for upholding the tradition and getting lost - going halfway up Tuggeranong Hill unintentionally. 🤣 😝 Due to the incredible skills of the course creator and his brilliant leadership along the way, the 21k runners stuck perfectly on course.
Next week William is leading the course, starting near the arboretum at the national rock garden at 8am sharp. We might even get to see some of the YMCA half marathon along the way.
Don't forget Speedy Geoff Moore's speedwork sessions at 5.30pm Mondays and Thursdays at Parliament House.

Monday 21 May At Parliament House: 2 big flagpole laps fast, 1 recovery, 2 fast: Warrick, Craig, Ricky, Bernardo, Isaac, Candy, Angus (new), Giles, Dom, Bron, Rae, Joel, Sandeep, Paul, Deborah, and me (half the session). Tori arrived later too.

Thursday 24 May At Parliament House: No sign of Ruth on her birthday. Nevertheless eight of us attended. I jogged around supervising; Dave got lost and ran around the lake instead, while running 10 x 1 minute fast/2 minutes slow around the lower flagpoles were new Dave, Colin, Brendan, Jen, Isaac, and Ricky.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

UTA finish line

Pieta Smith, Louise Sartore, Kirrily Sartore

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

All the recent speedygeese race results

BBQ Stakes 6k 11 April
14. Roger Pilkington 39:11
23. Jodie Davis 47:59
27. Ricky Somerville 34:51
29. Sue Bowden 36:06
32. William Barlow 27:49
37. Ewen Thompson 40:40
45. Bronwyn Calver 36:38
47. Gary Bowen 37:13
54. Carolyne Kramar 59:59?
54 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 18 April
8. Roger Pilkington 39:48
22. Ricky Somerville 33:17
27. Ewen Thompson 42:49
36. Jodie Davis 47:26
39. Gary Bowen 32:22
48. Peter Thomson 30:00
49. William Barlow 27:02
65. Carolyne Kramar 50:56
71 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k
26 April
1. Ricky Somerville 34:01
15. Peter Thomson 28:34
19. Craig Wurtz 30:28
23. William Barlow 26:08
27. Jodie Davis 47:35
42. Gary Bowen 35:21
54. Carolyne Kramar 59:59?
56. Ewen Thompson 59:59?
58 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 02 May
6. James O'Neill 29:23
8. Sue Bowden 33:01
12. Peter Thomson 28:00
21. Craig Wurtz 30:02
50. William Barlow 27:53
51. Carolyne Kramar 49:59
61. Gary Bowen 35:45
62. Victoria Hennig 35:03
72. Ewen Thompson 59:59?
72 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 09 May
16. James O'Neill 29:38
21. Jennie Blake 36:40
23. Craig Wurtz 30:12
36. Alcina Dias 33:56
48. William Barlow 27:39
52. Ewen Thompson 35:27
53. Gary Bowen 34:52
60. Ricky Somerville 39:18
64 finishers

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k
15 May
5. Nicole Bruce 38:37
7. Roger Pilkington 40:00
11. Ewen Thompson 36:18
13. James O'Neill 27:29
14. Sandeep Chandra 29:00
16. Michael Thompson 29:27
17. Ricky Somerville 32:16
19. Peter Thomson 51:52
19 finishers

AMRA Black Mountain Run-up 2.6k 15 May
Monika Holmwood 16.38
Craig Wurtz 17.35
Caroline Campbell 25.36
11 finishers

Customs Joggers 5k 18 May
1 Susan Sturgeon 25:44
6 Giles Lamb 20:52
8 Ewen Thompson 28:04
13 Jacob Grooby 18:21
14 Colin Farlow 19:40
15 James O'Neill 22:56
19 Craig Wurtz 24:46
22 Roger Pilkington 29:37
23 Ricky Somerville 27:45
27 Peter Thomson 48:50
27 finishers

Pace UTA22 18 May
114 Mhairi Craig F50-59 2:32:27
240 Narelle Desmet F40-49 2:47:41
349 Adam Ellison M30-39 2:55:51
446 Graeme Smyth M50-59 3:03:35
528 Alison Sims F30-39 3:09:40
906 Sue Bowden F60+ 3:34:28
993 Katherine Sheppard F40-49 3:40:00
1091 Jennie Blake F60+ 3:46:29
1423 George Quarmby M60+ 30 4:14:29
1893 finishers

UTA50 19 May
34 Rowan Lewis M30-39 5:25:38
286 Shiree Kofod F40-49 6:37:02
375 Shuji Iwasaki M40-49 6:52:14
428 Amy Ellison F30-39 6:59:16
483 Bianca Mauch F30-39 7:07:28
577 David Warnock M50-59 7:19:46
633 Thach Huynh M40-49 7:27:54
647 Richard Nethersole M30-39 7:29:52
693 Shareen Underwood F30-39 7:36:16
722 Beth Bowen F40-49 7:40:28
940 Brad Warren M30-39 8:09:41
949 Kirrily Sartore F40-49 8:10:41
949 Pieta Smith F40-49 8:10:41
951 Louise Sartore F40-49 8:10:42
1089 Jacqui Adams F30-39 8:27:48
1199 Tim Craig M50-59 8:45:46
1356 Kerron Clare F50-59 9:10:01
1824 finishers

UTA100 19 May
430 Ross Scott M40-49 16:42:17
523 Adrian Cengia M40-49 17:38:52
964 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #314 19 May
16 Jane Lilley 22:29 W45
22 Andrew Simpson 23:26 M45
32 Geoff Moore 24:19 M70
57 Bron Sparkes 26:31 W40
72 Roger Pilkington 28:09 M55
90 Brendan Belcher 29:54 M35
172 Cathy Newman 47:24 W55
189 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #273 19 May
19 Nigel England 20:52 M55
49 David Baussmann 23:35 M65
53 Jason Lewis 24:19 M40
78 Bronwyn Calver 25:32 W45
84 Chris Gammon 25:55 M55
187 Ewen Thompson 38:30 M60
256 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #242 19 May
14 Gavin Mongan 20:34 M35
35 Janene Kingston 23:55 W50
67 Lisa McDonald 26:05 W40 **New PB**
70 Chris Martin 26:11 M60
182 Gregg Berry 47:31 M60
198 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #102 19 May
18 Craig Wurtz 22:19 M50
52 Amanda McCormack 25:17 W35
95 Caroline Campbell 29:09 W75
178 Gary Bowen 54:14 M60
178 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #10 19 May
67 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #4 19 May
9 Giles Lamb 20:51 M40 **New PB**
15 Shane Wright 22:13 M45
16 Jacob Miller 22:18 M11
41 Kevin Miller 25:20 M40
46 Chloe Miller 25:41 W11
53 Celina Miller 26:21 W35
146 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #55 19 May
1 Bernardo Palma 19:13 M30
57 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #15
19 May
98 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #107 19 May
17 Victoria Hennig 26:27 W55
30 Rae Palmer 32:16 W70
39 finishers

Rhodes 5k parkrun #163 19 May
13 David Clarke 20:11 M60
213 finishers

Roma Pineto 5k parkrun #7 19 May
42 Carolyne Kramar 39:16 W50
52 finishers

Warwick Pentathrun 19-20 May
Half Marathon 21.1k 19 May
176 Julie Hill-Webber 1:54:01 W46-50 8
274 Ruth Baussmann 2:13:21 W66-70 3
353 Margaret McSpadden 2:42:34 W71+ 1
366 Gwen Vines 3:09:07 W71+ 2

Cross Country 4.6k 19 May
181 Julie Hill-Webber 24:44 W46-50 10
290 Ruth Baussmann 29:23 W66-70 3
420 Margaret McSpadden 42:03 W71+ 1
423 Gwen Vines 44:26 W71+ 2

5k flat Road Race 19 May
191 Julie Hill-Webber 25:14 W46-50 10
283 Ruth Baussmann 28:38 W66-70 3
460 Gwen Vines 46:10 W71+ 2
471 Margaret McSpadden 47:46 W71+ 3

10k Hill Climb 20 May
125 Julie Hill-Webber 1:00:59 W46-50 9
223 Ruth Baussmann 1:11:06 W66-70 2
336 Margaret McSpadden 1:27:37 W71+ 1

1500m Street Race 20 May
204 Julie Hill-Webber 7:26 W46-50 10
295 Ruth Baussmann 8:34 W66-70 4
351 Margaret McSpadden 9:45 W71+ 1
395 Gwen Vines 11:30 W71+ 2


Julie Hill-Webber 11:23:29 W46-50 10
Ruth Baussmann 11:24:39 297 W66-70 4
Margaret Mcspadden 11:25:51 348 W71+ 1
Gwen Vines 11:27:40 398 W71+ 2

Sydney Half Marathon 20 May
2351 Candy Potter 1:46.04 W30-39
9195 finishers

Warwick Runners

Julie, Margaret, Gwen, Ruth

Monday, 21 May 2018

Burning the Midnight Oil

Song of the Week. Midnight Oil - "Beds Are Burning"

Sunday, 20 May 2018

speedygeese and speediergeese

Tuggeranong hill today.

Thanks David

Thanks Deborah

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Brendan on Guide Duty

At Ginninderra parkrun. Time? Sub 30.

Friday, 18 May 2018

This week’s speedygeese training sessions

Sunday 13 May long run - Helen’s “unofficial” report: I got up before 7am!! I know right? Anyway I had a cup of tea and that wasn't enough so then I had another cup of tea (both with fat cow milk) and after 3 waffling sentences I arrived at the start location of Cook shops. Little Oink was booked out with Parenting Celebration revelers so we had to go for a run instead, beautifully designed by the delightful Susan Sturgeon. At least I believe it was.
Fast people went faster and some slower people went slow enough that I had someone to talk to. I really would have talked to Ruth Baussmann the whole way around but I'm not that fond of running although I like talking to Ruth very much. Ruth had the proposed run route on her watch. I'm not really sure why she put it there as we went a different way which was shorter and better. So we caught up to the faster group on the side of Little Black mountain.
Sadly I had to leave the runners on the precipitous flanks of the dangerous dark side of little black mountain and take a bold solo course along some rarely visited rough narrow tracks, some of which were unpaved!
Along here I did some Intervals. Did you know that 'Intervals' originally referred to the rest intervals between the faster running bits? These Intervals were originally invented by Norgan Vaas the famous and very cold Scantinavian runner. Over time the meaning has reversed. Today I practised the ancient form.
Some time later I woke up and pootled back to the route on Ruth's watch where I was surprised by David and Bron so I quickly broke into a run. At the Caswell underpass I had to explain to Bron what the elevated log railing was for. She had no idea! Where else are giants going to dry their pasta?
I must have lost them because I spent the rest of the run alone with nature and on a swing (to improve my core strength).
Now this all sounds fine and ordinary and expected so what I am about to tell you will truly shock and dismay. After the run there was No Breakfast. I am not making this up! I only do Speedygeese long run for the Breakfast.
Luckily Jen and I, not having kids, were able to make it to 2B10 for some breakfast and coffee. Yes I know she says she has kids but I don't believe it. There was something about a waitress and fat cow milk but I didn't mean it to come out that way.

Sunday 13 May
long run “official” report [edit – I’m thinking of making Helen’s the official report next time]: Dave reported on the Mothers Day Classic, see last Tuesday’s blog post!

Monday 14 May: At Parliament house running 3 x 800m with a 400m jog between, then a jog followed by some sprints, were Joel, Ricky, Colin, Tori, Bernardo, Vanessa, Ruth, Jennie, Sandeep, Craig, Sarah, Isaac, Jen, new Dave, Dave, Pieta, Candy (new) and me. We also saw Jessica, Warrick and Christopher nearby

Thursday 17 May: Parliament House training was along the west side on grass under lights and a fingernail moon. Those training were Susan, Dave, Ricky, Craig, Isaac, Brendan, Tori, Allie, Colin with me supervising. Plenty of distance was covered: Colin reported a total of 10k for the second session in a row. This time it we did 6 x 400m with a 400m jog interval, another jog of 800m followed by up to 8 x 100m with 100m jog after each.

The Thursday Crowd (thanks Dave for the photo). Tori and Craig are trying to out-dazzle the photographer.

Thursday, 17 May 2018


The winter series resumes this weekend with a 2/4/6 km event at Stromlo Forest Park on Saturday. The 2 km starts at 12.45pm, with both the 4 and 6 km events at 1.00 pm. These races are great preparation for any of our younger runners targeting the ACT Schools Cross Country events, and the longer events are pointscore races in the winter pointscore competitions. As usual, these runs are free to members, $10 adults, $5 under 18s for non-members.
All the winter series events need volunteers to help with jobs like timing, marshalling and recording. These roles are not complicated or arduous, but our events can't happen without them. If you can help out at any of our winter series races, please contact Dave Osmond at
The next weekend on 26-27 May sees our Half Marathon events, with a 1.6km and 5km races on Saturday afternoon (1.30 pm for the 1.6km and 2.00 pm for the 5 km) and the Half Marathon on Sunday morning. If you are planning to run the Half Marathon and haven’t entered already, please sign up online via before midnight on Friday 25 May. This makes it easier for processing. You can enter at race headquarters in Lennox Gardens on the Saturday afternoon, but we accept cash and credit cards only. Entry to the 1.6 and 5 km events are taken on the day and are free to Club members as usual.
Thanks to the many Club members who have volunteered to help with these events.
Upcoming events
  • 12.45 pm Saturday 19 May - Stromlo Forest Park 2/4/6 km
  • 1.30 pm Saturday 26 May - YMCA Canberra Half Marathon Eve 1.6/5 km, Lennox Gardens, Flynn Drive, Yarralumla
  • 8.00 am Sunday 27 May - YMCA Canberra Half Marathon, Lennox Gardens, Flynn Drive, Yarralumla
  • 9.00 am Sunday 3 June - Women and Girls' Jogalong 1.6/3/6 km, Weston Park, Yarralumla
  • 8.00 am Saturday 16 June - Pennington/Longstaff 4/8/16 km, Stromlo Forest Park
  • 12.45 km Saturday 23 June - Age/Gender 5km handicap (and 2km), Stromlo Forest Park

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

All the recent speedygeese race results

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 08 May
5. Ricky Somerville 31:09
6. Ewen Thompson 36:10
8. Peter Thomson 28:24
9. Michael Thomson 28:56
10. James O'Neill 28:30
12. Sandeep Chandra 29:35
16 finishers

Customs Joggers 5k 11 May
2 Ricky Somerville 27:20
5 Susan Sturgeon 27:30
6 Ewen Thompson 28:34
7 Craig Wurtz 24:04
13 Giles Lamb 21:46
18 James O'Neill 24:33
23 Jacob Grooby 21:19
24 Peter Thomson 27:31
25 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #313 12 May
11 William Barlow 21:10 M35
16 Jacob Miller 22:10 M11
21 Jane Lilley 22:47 W45
44 Jim Lilley 24:10 M45 **New PB**
48 Chloe Miller 24:38 W11
55 Geoff Moore 24:50 M70
57 Celina Miller 24:54 W35
61 Eliza Lilley 25:30 W11 **New PB**
206 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #272 12 May
18 Chris Gammon 21:49 M55
56 Gary Bowen 25:39 M60
70 Kerron Clare 26:45 W50
76 Ewen Thompson 27:31 M60
194 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #241 12 May
14 Giles Lamb 20:09 M40
141 Margaret McSpadden 31:41 W70
204 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #101 12 May
4 Jeff Grey 19:12 M50
36 Amanda McCormack 22:58 W35
62 Elizabeth Bennett 25:29 W55
93 Jennie Blake 28:00 W60
177 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #9 12 May
8 Gavin Mongan 21:14 M35
21 Yili Zhu 24:13 M55
42 Andrew Smith 30:28 M45
64 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #3 12 May
28 David Clarke 23:41 M60
37 Sandeep Chandra 25:16 M45
108 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #54 12 May
1 Bernardo Palma 19:18 M30
32 Vanessa Palmer 38:55 W45
51 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #14 12 May
33 Dale Moore 28:28 M55
74 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #106 12 May
24 finishers

Roma Pineto parkrun #6 12 May
61 Carolyne Kramar 37:48 W50
70 finishers

Mothers Day Classic 10k 13 May
1 Jacob Grooby 35:37
18 David Clarke 42:32
22 Rohan Pitchford 43:50
58 Amanda McCormack 47:44
116 Liz Simpfendorfer 51:12
125 Peter Simpfendorfer 51:40
286 Bill Arthur 1:00:28
507 finishers
[Edit] Also Giles ~42:44
[Edit] Also Thommo ~49:45

Mothers Day Classic 5k 13 May
110 Lisa McDonald 26:09 **yet another 5k PB**
916 finishers
[Edit] Also Ewen ~25:10
[Edit] Also Giles ~30:30

Pics from the Ginninderra parkrun

They're off







Interestingly Ginninderra parkrun had the greatest number of participants in the ACT last weekend. Probably for the first time since Tuggeranong parkrun started.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Good news

Song of the Week. Newsboys - "Take Me To Your Leader",at

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Ewen at Tuggeranong parkrun

At today's Canberra parkruns, extra clothes were essential.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Three weeks of speedygeese training sessions

Sunday 22 April long run report [Dave ]: About 25 geese turned up for today’s long run, which started with the Mt Ainslie parkrun trial then a 10k loop of Mt Ainslie then a few more km for Shiree, Narelle and I to take it up to 20k (and Giles who ran to the run from home then back home). Shiree then got serious and threw in a run up Mt Ainslie (I think she was suffering from withdrawals). Narelle and Graeme did their trip to the top earlier.
With a brilliantly designed course and an expert navigator leading, no one got lost, despite Giles’ attempt to hold a coup and have a vote which way to go, which I promptly shut down 🤣
For those who have been following the Helen saga, I was told she was on the long run but that’s an unlikely story. I did spot her jumping out of the bushes 500m from the end of parkrun but it’s a fair bet 500m was it. Happy to be proven wrong if you have photographic evidence. 😂
As the photos show, Gentleman Wil gave a helping hand to cross the creek (as he does). 😱
Coffee at The Knox in Watson was somewhat more challenging, with more people than an average sized Parkrun, reminding more of an episode of Survivor.
Welcome to our new runners, including Nadine 😃
Giles will be next week’s “run director”. I’ll be doing the MS 10k so good luck to those on the long run. 🤓

Monday 23 April at Parliament House: 20 minutes of 3 person continuous relays followed by a little over 8 minutes of 2 person relays: I supervised and jogged 9k, Christopher walked, and participating in the relays were Lisa, Ricky, Jinny, Bernardo, Vanessa, Sandeep, Pieta, Dave, Warrick, Colin, Ruth, Tori, Jen, Isaac, James (new), Deborah (new), and Jacob.

Thursday 26 April
: At Parliament house tonight doing reps of 200-300-400-300 and repeat until 30 minutes was up, were Colin, Jen, Isaac, Brendon, Ruth, Jinny and Dave with me tagging along too.

Sunday 29 April long run report [Giles ]: With a few geese absent at various other events and locations (including the gruesome twosome of Dave and Jen), numbers were down this morning, however nine still appeared at the CORRECT start place (Paul Trumble, take note), for an adventure along ACT’s northwestern border.
Quite surprisingly, nobody got lost, no wrong turns were taken, and only one of us had to report to a casualty ward afterwards (not me this time).
We had a marvellous view from the top of One Tree Hill, discussing how much new development was going on at Gungahlin below us, before heading onwards to the northern tip of the ACT.
As we approached the turnaround point, two of the gentleman runners realised that they had to dart home - and that was the last we saw of them. For the rest of us, it was a lovely jog back to Hall and then some refreshments at a cafe in Hall. Next week is out at Wamboin, I understand.

Monday 30 April
at Parliament House: I was away in South Australia and Colin ran the show. There were 15 x 200m runs nearly achieved by everyone. At least the following were there: Ricky, Dave, Colin, Dom, Isaac, Jennie, Tori, Bron, Ruth, Jen, Bernardo and Pieta. Because they are in the photo toasting Dave’s 60th birthday.

Thursday 03 May: Speedygeese at Parliament house tonight doing 12 x 40 seconds on 2 minutes (or so) were Sandeep, Ricky, Jen, Isaac, Colin, Allie (new), Jennie and me. Brendan just did a warm-up run.

Sunday 06 May long run - Kowen - If I find a run report for 06 May I will add it in.

Monday 07 May: There will be a separate report of the Speedygeese dinner celebrating my 70th birthday.

Thursday 10 May cold and damp and windy around the ACT, but at Parliament House, training was fine. Running were Jacob, Dave, new Dave, Brendan, Ruth, Ricky while I jogged around at a leisurely pace. The session consisted of 4 x 400 and 2-4 x 200.

Lending a hand

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Kiama Coastal Classic

Will take place on Sunday 24 June

"We’re looking forward to the 3rd year of The Kiama Coastal Classic. Held right in the heart of the running season, giving runners of all ages and abilities the perfect lead up event to other major events or as an opportunity to enjoy themselves among friends and family. Each section of this incredible run will keep runners, joggers and walkers mesmerised, taking in the coastal vista and South Coast icons including the Kiama Blowhole, Werri and Kiama Beaches, with rolling green hills on one side and rugged coastline on the other.

"The running festival boasts three race distances; 2.5 kilometres, 10 kilometres and the main event, the 14 kilometre Kiama Coastal Classic. The three distances go past the iconic Kiama Blowhole, taking in the breathtaking outlook of the beautiful NSW South Coast. The finish line for all three distances is at Black Beach Reserve where there will be an onsite expo and prize giveaways."
I might be able to run this one this year!
Company would be good, I wonder if there are any other slow runners out there who would like to join me?

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

All the recent speedygeese race results

speedygeese trifecta at Masters Handicap - Jennie, Craig, Bron

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 24 April
2. Jennifer Bright 26:06
5. James O'Neill 27:49
8. Sandeep Chandra 29:02
9. Peter Thomson 29:34
11. Michael Thompson 31:05
12. Ewen Thompson 37:02
13. Carolyne Kramar 46:41
13 finishers

Lake Ginninderra 7k 24 April
8 finishers

Customs Joggers 5k 27 April
1 Bron Sparkes 26:01
3 Dom Sparkes 27:11
4 James O'Neill 23:36
6 Peter Thomson 22:35
13 Giles Lamb 21:16
15 Ewen Thompson 30:38
17 Bill Arthur 29:06
19 Craig Wurtz 25:10
22 Carolyne Kramar 40:40
22 finishers

YCRC 10 mile 28 April
23. Peter Thomson M55 1:15:26
31. James O'Neill M50 1:21:46
35. Craig Wurtz M50 1:23:19
39. Sandeep Chandra M45 1:24:57
87 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #311 28 April
28 Jane Lilley 22:51 W45
47 Kevin Miller 25:03 M40
89 Bron Sparkes 28:53 W40
121 Jacob Miller 30:42 M11
125 Chloe Miller 30:54 W11
146 Celina Miller 33:40 W35
232 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #270 28 April
93 Bronwyn Calver 25:45 W45
143 Kerron Clare 28:09 W50
368 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #239 28 April
20 Gavin Mongan 21:37 M35
271 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #99 28 April
194 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #7 28 April
87 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #1 28 April
23 Louise Sharp 20:39 W35
41 Giles Lamb 21:50 M40
71 David Webster 23:44 M65
98 David Clarke 24:52 M55
103 David Baussmann 25:07 M65
120 Ewen Thompson 26:00 M60
153 Ricky Somerville 27:38 M50
169 Lisa McDonald 28:23 W40
188 Jennie Blake 29:27 W60
221 Ruth Baussmann 31:28 W65
310 William Barlow 37:17 M35
314 Margaret McSpadden 37:43 W70
453 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #52 28 April
1 Bernardo Palma 19:17 M30
5 Amanda Cook 22:12 W40
14 Helen Northey 26:57 W40 **New PB**
26 Vanessa Palmer 29:32 W45
82 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #112 28 April
129 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #104 28 April
41 Maya Smith 32:14 W10
42 Andrew Smith 32:15 M45
43 Kobe Smith 32:19 M11
71 finishers

ACTMA Majura Nature Park 10k 29 April
2 Craig Wurtz M50 53:50 **gold**
3 Bron Sparkes W40 53:33 **silver**
4 Jennie Blake W60 61:51 **bronze**
8 David Webster M65 48:16
12 Nadine Morrison W45 52:45
15 Ruth Baussmann W65 62:50
16 Ricky Somerville M50 64:41
21 Rod Lynch M55 44:38
30 Margaret McSpadden W70 76:04
31 finishers

ACTMA Majura Nature Park 5k 29 April
6 Cathy Montalto W65 29:17
9 Gary Bowen M60 27:14
10 Brett Morrison M45 32:17
24 finishers

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 01 May
4. Ewen Thompson 36:57
6. James O'Neill 27:57
7. Peter Thomson 28:03
11. Sandeep Chandra 29:48
13. Nicole Bruce 38:26
14. Carolyne Kramar 49:59
15 finishers

AMRA Mt Ainslie Run-Up 2.3k 01 May
8 Craig Wurtz 16.51
10 finishers

Customs Joggers 5k 04 May
4 Ewen Thompson 29:28
6 Craig Wurtz 24:43
7 Giles Lamb 21:32
11 Ricky Somerville 28:25
14 Bill Arthur 29:46
15 Colin Farlow 20:19
18 Peter Thomson 25:33
19 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #312 05 May
16 Andrew Simpson 21:23 M45
31 Kevin Miller 23:13 M40
56 David Baussmann 24:54 M65
67 Jane Lilley 25:36 W45
68 Celina Miller 25:39 W35
70 Geoff Moore 25:47 M70 (25:39 on my watch)
103 Chloe Miller 28:37 W11
106 Ruth Baussmann 28:44 W65
107 Eliza Lilley 28:47 W11
123 Bron Sparkes 29:25 W40
131 William Barlow 30:01 M35
190 Carolyne Kramar 34:56 W50
252 Cathy Newman 47:28 W55
270 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #271 05 May
8 Nigel England 20:14 M55
10 Chris Gammon 20:29 M55
21 Shane Wright 21:37 M45
61 Ricky Somerville 25:31 M50
73 Bronwyn Calver 26:06 W45
290 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #240 05 May
181 Margaret McSpadden 31:34 W70
290 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #100 05 May
5 Stuart Doyle 18:43 M50
18 Louise Sharp 19:41 W35
24 Jeff Grey 19:58 M50
26 Gavin Mongan 20:14 M35 **New PB**
42 Craig Wurtz 22:19 M50
49 Amanda McCormack 22:46 W35
124 Kelley Horan 27:49 W55
129 Michael Horan 28:00 M55
237 finishers

Coombs 5k parkrun #8 05 May
5 David Clarke 20:14 M60
7 Michelle Wells 21:40 W45
10 David Webster 22:22 M65
32 Jennie Blake 28:25 W60
57 Maya Smith 33:09 W10
58 Pieta Smith 33:09 W40
59 Andrew Smith 33:10 M45
60 Kobe Smith 33:10 M11
63 Ewen Thompson 35:12 M60
84 finishers

Mount Ainslie 5k parkrun #2 05 May
26 James O'Neill 23:41 M50
34 Sandeep Chandra 25:08 M45
74 William Arthur 31:08 M65
122 finishers

Queanbeyan 5k parkrun #53 05 May
1 Bernardo Palma 19:30 M30
6 Amanda Cook 22:09 W40
98 finishers

Goulburn 5k parkrun #113 05 May
67 Dale Moore 36:27 M55
122 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #105 05 May
27 Victoria Hennig 26:52 W55
53 finishers

Wagga 5k parkrun #35 05 May
24 Lisa McDonald 26:11 W40 **yet another 5k PB**
78 finishers

YCRC North Lyneham 3.1k 05 May
6. Ewen Thompson M60 17:22
16 finishers

YCRC North Lyneham 6.2k 05 May
12. Giles Lamb M40 28:17
15. Rohan Pitchford M50 30:14
18. Peter Thomson M55 31:52
19. Craig Wurtz M50 32:23
21 finishers

YCRC Women's 6k Jogalong 06 May
16. Vanessa Haverd W40 24:13
17. Sarah Pau W45 31:16
41. Nadine Morrison W45 28:34
46. Thea Zimpel W35 55:00
65 finishers

Cookie's speedygosling

William's speedygosling

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Batemans Bay parkrun

While Queanbeyan parkrun were celebrating their first birthday, and Ginninderra parkrun their sixth, Batemans Bay parkrun was celebrating their second birthday. Our Tori was there!

Saturday, 5 May 2018