Interestingly, the distances covered ranged from 7k to 30k, with average pace ranging from 5.05 to 6.56 per km. For those of us used to shorter, slower long runs, it was a full day recovery (including two nanna naps for me). 🤣 27 runners started, possibly a record turnout, including Thach, Giles, Paul, Jen, Ewen, Thommo, Kelley, William, Browny, John, Sandeep, Narelle, Graeme, Cameron, James, Warrick, Jen, Jennie B, the other Jennie, Sue, Kerron and me. Oh, and Helen said she ran but it’s not on Strava so it’s just heresay. Sorry to those I missed. [Edit: Mick, Tori]
The course took us on a 7k loop from the start of Coombs parkrun over the river, through a pleasant windy single trail, under the Parkway and down River Rd back to the start. Stage 2 of the Tour de Ewen (Ewen designed the original course for last week) was a lap of Coombs parkrun, then Stage 3 went over the river, along pipe flat, up to the arboretum then back along River Rd to the start. All up a very pleasant course in perfect weather.
The usual post run coffee was held at The Meeting Room at Weston Creek.
Next week is Mt Tennent (for those keen on running mountains). See you then. 🤓
Monday 05 March at Parliament House: Laps of the Rose Garden 450m loop were run: Bernado (15 completed laps and most of a 16th lap), Colin (15), Jen (14), Isaac (13), Craig (12), Kelley (12), Bron (11), Pieta (11), Sandeep (11), Warrick (11), Mick H (11), Ewen (11), Dom (10), Jennie (10), Lisa (10), Ruth (9), Miranda (8), Thomas (5) and Jessica did her own thing including waterbombing her brother, and I watched.
Thursday 08 March at Stromlo Forest Park I jogged 5k (without the permission of my Physio, which was a mistake), Thach and Ryan cycled then joined us for our warm-up, and Jennie, Janene, Tori and Sandeep ran a repeat of last week’s session, as they were not present then, 10 by 200 quick, 100 easy on the 1k circuit. None of last week's participants turned up so I have save my planned session for another week.

Ewen, William, Thach

Kelley, Thommo