Sunday 10 December speedygeese long run report [Dave]:
"On a warm Canberra Sunday morning, a dozen or so geese gathered for an out and back scenic run along the Murrumbidgee River from Pine Island. Shiree, Graeme, Narelle, Adrian, Mike and Brownie did 20k, while Ewen, Mhairi, Warrick, Sandeep, Geoff and Bronwyn took the short option (about 15k). Great to see speedy Geoff turn up. 😀
Apart from Ewen tripping over (which apparently Bronwyn heard from 100 metres ahead), there were no major incidents.
Meanwhile Jen, Isaac and Bron did the Deep Space 8k, while Shuji completed the marathon. Monika was 3rd female in the half marathon. Shuji did the marathon (1,700 metres vert) in 4:31:40, and burned 4,400 calories in the process. 😯
Jen, being Jen, was lost before the race started. She was reportedly following a random car and missed the turnoff. After blasting several kangaroos with her horn and speeding through the winding hills she arrived 4 minutes before the start, after the pre-race briefing. She ended up 1st female for the 8k in 39:14 (which was not bad considering her stops waiting for Isaac to catch up). Isaac was probably still recovering from the road trip, but at least he got chocolate for his troubles. 🤣
Coffee was at Guru at the Hyper D (Tuggeranong), where I managed to catch the crew after flying back from Melbourne a bit earlier. I’m doing a run tonight with Pieta, although it might be a bit slow after three races this week."
Graeme, Narelle, self, random passserby, Brownie, Ewen, Dave. None of the men shaved that morning. Probably no-one did, then.
Monday 11 December the Speedygeese met at Parliament house and trained at the Rose Garden. Lots of photos were taken by Dave who jogged around, I supervised as it was a scheduled rest day, and running laps of the 200m run/250m jog loop were Ewen, Sandeep, Miranda, Bron, Jinny, Giles, Jennie, Colin, Dave, Chris, Ruth, Pieta, Narelle, Jen and Isaac.
Thursday 14 December he final training session at Woden included Brownie, Jennie, Bronwyn, Sandeep and Jen running some 330m runs (~5 I think) while I watched pretty sore still; and Dave warmed up in the vicinity but ran on the track; Margaret was on track too; Ewen and Colin were officiating and didn’t join in.