On Sunday 18 June the distance group reports “A fairly subdued speedygeese long run this morning, with some of the usual stalwarts missing or tired after yesterday’s YMCA 16k race (Jen, Sandeep and Ewen) and Kowen Trail half marathon (me[Dave]), and a couple of others just having a sleep in after a big night (Susan and Mhairi I’m told, but that’s just heresay). No injuries or getting lost this time (although a couple of times I had to get them back on track – don’t say anything Bronwyn ;-) ), and no clambering over and posing on big boys (and girls) toys. Just a pleasant run from Mt Stromlo to Molonglo river and back. Narelle and Sami took off like rabbits, accompanied by newbie Mandi (welcome Mandi), closely followed by Thach, while Bronwyn set a steady pace and Bron and I [Dave] were the “sweepers”. Most of us did the 16k loop, with Thach (20k) and Narelle (23k) doing a bit extra at the end. It was a bit of a struggle today and the quads were happy to see the end approaching. Most of us enjoyed the coffee and calories at "The Meating Place", Weston Creek, while we discussed the various views on tapering for Narelle’s Gold Coast marathon in two weeks.”
Monday 19 June at Parliament House: I was absent and 2 teams of 3 ran 3 lots of 4 x 200m hard, 200m jog. Colin, Jen, Jennie, Kylie, Peter Burke. and Sandeep, while Dave and Pieta trotted around.
From last week

Ewen, Jen, Isaac

Mhairi and Bron

