On Easter Sunday at Stromlo Forest Park I ran 15k on the grass: Sandeep half that.
Then on Monday morning: from Dave. "With most away for Easter or recovering from last week’s marathon, it was a fairly small turnout for this week’s Speedy Geese “long” run, on yet another perfect morning. Pieta, Narelle, Graeme and Nigel all opted for the short course (11k), although Narelle missed a turn and disappeared over a hill. She managed to find her own way to the end, having done 15k and looking like she hadn’t even warmed up. In fact everyone looked pretty fresh at the end – must have been the short course and cool weather. Nigel made a great debut on his first Speedy Geese run, keeping up with racehorse Narelle most of the way. I did a slow 7k out and back to give the hamstring a chance to recover. Coffee was low-key, at the Stromlo coffee cart. We might do this course again next week, if there are no dissenters, as the actual long course (20k) along the river is a really nice run."
Easter Monday evening 17 April at Parliament House: I ran early (10k); I then supervised the speedygeese running 10 hills of drills on 80 seconds, followed by 10 hills from the top on 90 seconds, being 100m down and 100m up again. Participating were Andy, Celina, Chloe, Colin, Isaac, Jacob, Jennie, Jim (new), Kevin, Pieta, Ruth, Sandeep, and Sarah (new).

Celina sprinting home in the parkrun.