Sunday 26 March Stromlo Forest Park - cancelled
Sunday 26 March Long distance group: An action-packed Speedy Geese long run with a relatively cold start this morning. Nine starters, leaving from Lyons Shops at 7.30am, including guest visitors Shane and Scully, who appeared to be joined by an umbilical cord. All nine finished except Giles, who tripped over a dog at 22.9k and hit his head on the concrete. He didn’t look very happy about it, mostly because he was 100m short of his 23k and wanted to keep running, plus he forgot to turn his Garmin off straight away, as the blood poured from his head, so his average pace was 5 seconds/km slower. He was happy that it happened near the end of the run though. Ewen’s ambulance service came to the rescue and Giles now looks a lot better, with 6 stitches and a black eye.
Distances covered were Ewen and Mhairi 14k (which obviously wasn’t enough for Mhairi, as she was doing hill repeats up Mount Taylor while we drank coffee – mad Scot); Shane & Scully 14 (I think); Giles 22.9; Jen and Sandeep 23; Jacob 25. Dave did a 19k warmup starting at 5.45am and completed 43.3km. With 13 runs over 25k in 10 weeks, including 4 marathons in the past 4 weeks, he's hoping he is ready for a first ever 50k ultra.
Monday 27 March Parliament House. Speedycoach was recovering slowly from surgery so had a day off; the group ran 3 person relays then celebrated Isaac’s 13th birthday. Present were Ruth, Cookie, Colin, David W, Ewen, Isaac, Jen, Jennie, Pieta.
With myself and Giles temporarily out of action, sadly illness has also caught up with Sarah-Jayne and she had to scrap plans to run the Buffalo Stampede ultra.

Watching sports programs, I keep seeing Sarah-Jayne on TV all the time. She is more famous than the rest of the speedygeese put together!