Our speedygeese training:
On Thursday 23 February Jen, Isaac, Giles, Steph S, and I ran small loops from the small oval at Parliament House – it was very warm.
Sunday 26 February Andrew and I ran at Stromlo Forest Park.
Meanwhile at the same time a report from others of our group who run long on Sundays… “Another perfect day for Team Speedy Geese long run. Starting at the Corkwood plantation at the Arboretum and heading off up Mount Painter, Bronwyn did 14k and Ewen 16k. Warrick and Susan finished up with 19k. Jen, Sarah-Jayne, Sandeep and Dave continued on around the Arboretum, with Jen and Sarah-Jayne finishing with 23k and Sandeep (who’s doing the Canberra Marathon in April) doing a respectable 25. Dave did 10k before the start and managed to thrash out a slow 36k all up (someone has started a vicious rumour that Dave is doing the marathon). Giles and Jacob [new to me] ran from home and back plus Mt Painter, with Jacob completing 25k and Giles pumping out 31. Most importantly, we finished off with coffee and cake (or similar) at the Arbo cafĂ©. Thanks everyone and thanks Sandeep for the pics.” [and Dave for the report]
And on Monday 27 February back at Parliament House Ewen ran early; Dave just ran; I supervised, and running two sets of 12 minute continuous relays were Andy, Christopher, Colin, Ewen, Garry, Helen, Isaac, Jennie, Mick, Ruth, Sandeep, Susan, Tom, Warrick, and Emza (new).
Speedygeese Sunday group
I plan to advertise these weekly Sunday runs as information comes to hand, usually latish in the week. As for me I will have to stick to the soft grass at Stromlo Forest Park until my fitness improves.