Sunday, 20 November 2016

speedygeese blitz Stromlo Running Festival

This year the Stromlo Running Festival events were limited to very hilly 10k, 30k and 50k. As Andrew and I are generally at Stromlo Forest Park on a Sunday morning, training, we were able to see some of the runners. Abi and Ewen were also on hand to watch the proceedings.

The following photo was taken by Andrew, just before the start of the 30k.

(click to enlarge)
There was a light breeze, which was good, and it blew away the clouds you can see in the photo, which was bad. Thommo was one of the runners in the 30k.

The 10k started at 8:00am and featured such illustrious runners as speedygeese Dave, Jen, Isaac, Craig and Bronwyn. Dave finished well up in the top ten with Isaac and Jen running together not all that far behind.

I have it on good authority that the 10k age/gender winners on handicap were Dave first, Jen second.

Go the Geese!