Wednesday, 21 September 2016

speedygeese training

Thursday and Monday training occur at Parliament House now, 5:30pm start for both.

On Thursday 15 September the group ran Rose Garden 200s: completing 10 on 3:00 were Ruth and I;. 11 on 2:45 Liz, Peter B2 and Sandeep with Dave completing some of them; and the fast group  of Colin, Jen, and Damian ran 12 on 2:30.

On Monday 19 September Ewen ran early; at the main session we ran in teams of three with Giles, Colin, Isaac, Joel, Dave, Jen, Christopher, Ewen, Sandeep, Ruth, Pieta, Lauren (new) and me participating; 30 minutes of zigzag relay. Afterwards eight of us enjoyed dinner at the Yacht Club.

Vanessa and Rae

Rae first place Giant Slalom course