Thursday, 3 December 2015

How I deal with stress

I know there's a lot written about how to deal with stress. I bet there are a lot of vested interests involved, e.g. "come and try my Yoga". Meditation is not my thing. I don't want to sit around too much.
So off the top of my head, here is how I reduce stress.

  • Intense activity. I run/exercise daily. Other than the occasional nana nap, inactivity doesn't work.
  • Good, sound sleep. Hours are an individual thing, and you can catch up from time to time, but don't keep on burning the midnight oil.
  • Having a plan and working to it. Finishing what you have to do today is always good.
  • Being content with what you have and who you are.
  • Doing one thing at a time.
  • No coffee or nicotine. People think these and other drugs are relaxing, but it's only temporary and their addictive nature causes more stress.
  • Planning the next holiday as soon as finishing one. Something I always used to do at work and still do.
  • Happy wife happy life. And close friends too.
  • And ... not worrying what other people do or think or feel.


...and you've got to be able to laugh, folks, even at my grandad jokes.