Wednesday, 6 May 2015

latest speedygeese training sessions

Thursday at Dickson, I ran 10k early, then supervised Susan, Jen, Stu and Louise running 3 x 1km on the track.

Sunday I wasn’t there to see who ran at Stromlo, Andrew did 3 x 1km.

Monday at Parliament House Thach, Julia, Marie and I ran 8k early. Then running 20 x 100m hills on 90 seconds were Alex, Amanda, Andy, Dan, Diana, Ewen, Garry, Jen, Julia, Marie, Paul (new), Peter, Thommo, Rae, Ruth, Susan, and Warrick. Half of these stayed back for some celebratory champagne afterwards. Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes. Very much appreciated.

This week I will be at training Thursday (Dickson), Sunday (Stromlo), and Monday (Parliament House), and am looking forward to going out to the Yacht Club with the speedygeese after training Monday night.

See where I walk! Here is where Jenny, Miranda, Andy and I walked on Saturday. Some sun, some rain, much mud. An echidna. A black snake. Many cows. Black cockatoos. Trains. The lagoon at Gerringong was impassable due to flooding. and the whole walk was 12k return.