Running early were Miranda and I. Then on the oval were Colin, Janene, Jen, John (new), Julia, Louise (new), Stuart (new) and Susan. They ran 5 x 850m (two laps in lane 4) all off scratch, timed, a lap or so jog between each as they regathered. In future we will run these long intervals, not necessarily two-lappers, with handicap starts.
On Sunday at Stromlo Forest Park:
Dave, Andrew and I ran km intervals, with Dave continuing on to run some 400s. I was happy to average 4:15 for the kilometres, a real improvement.
Training on Monday 20 April at Parliament House:
Thommo and I ran early, 8k about 4 minutes quicker than usual. Then for the main training session on the hills, a repeat of last week, we had Andy, Diana, Jen, Nicole, Pieta, Ruth & Susan participating. Another good training session; it was nowhere near as cold as we imagined it might be, with Parliament House sheltering the west side hills from the strong wind.
My training is going well. I am on target this month. Two or three sessions in the gym each week, and each day's April Abs Challenge being completed despite how difficult it looked at the start. And I have felt strong since Friday.
For the May Challenge this year, I will repeat last November's, which I called the #SpeedyGeoff30DayChallenge, the first we did. I will set up a link to a spreadsheet soon.
See where we ran - more "new courses".
Thursday's 8k run from Dickson, avoiding the rough tracks around Mount Ainslie and Mount Majura.

Saturday's Tuggeranong Parkrun 5k course

My Tuesday 7k run from Energy Gym Kippax along the Ginninderra Creek and back, more sheltered than the golf course might have been (we have had quite strong winds the last few days)