Monday at Parliament House: Ewen, Cathy, Dan and I ran a new 8k course at 4:30pm, then were joined at 5:30pm by Andy, Bron, Colin, Isaac, Jen, Julia, Mick, Nicole, Pieta, Susan, Thomas & Warrick. We headed for the hills and ran a session taking in the two SW slopes, 15 intervals on 2 minutes. Maybe headlamps needed next time? Thanks too, to Andy, for birthday champagne after.
Meanwhile, I am doing the April abs challenge each day still; just; and three classes in the gym each week, and running six or seven days. Importantly, feeling like I am improving. Most days anyway.

And in breaking news: We have a new speedygosling! Will and Abi are very pleased to announce the birth of Samuel John Fargher who arrived early this morning. Mum and baby both doing well.