Having mentioned the Centenary Trail, I am sorry about Steve's injury last night - he has seven stitches below the knee and seven to ten days of no running - I sympathise, that was my fate too, no running the ten days we visited Townsville - and I hope none of the cyclists met a similar fate in today's big event. That terrain is just too rough even in broad daylight, let alone by torchlight or foglamp.

Not me injured this time; Steve.
From now on, every Sunday morning I will be at Stromlo at 7:30am with others; please join us!
Also from this Saturday on, I will be at Acton Ferry Terminal at 9:00am with hopefully a few very slow runners; starting off jogging with them for a few kms; then if OK carrying on a few more kms at a faster pace. All welcome! It's the restart for the "speedyducks".