YCRC News Thursday 20th March 2014
1. General Information
2. YMCA Women and Girls 5k Fun Run/Walk 6tth April
3. Australian Running Festival 12/13th April 2013
4. YCR Winter Season – Starts Saturday 26th April
5. First Aid Volunteers Required.
6. YMCA of Canberra Half Marathon w/e 17/18th May 2014
1. General Information – A very successful summer series was concluded at Stromlo Forest Park on Tuesday 18th March where we had 100 runners. We would like to thank everyone who helped or came along and run, jogged or walked in these events.
Club events are all about participation, we do however need the assistance of club members to organise these events and also participate in same. Running faster over shorter distances and different terrain can and will help your running. We are hoping that having our winter events in the middle of the day will attract more of you to come along and try. Our shorter events are great for those school children looking to run well in schools cross country.
Our Club conducts two major events during the year the first being the YMCA Women and Girls Fun Run Walk and the second is the YMCA of Canberra Half Marathon. With no major sponsors these events are expensive for the club to stage. We ask that you either help or run in these events if you wish them to continue. The W&G’s normally has somewhere near 1,000 entrants and the half marathon around 400 entrants. There are generous discounts for club members.
2. YMCA Women and Girls 5K Fun Run/Walk - 9am Sunday – 6TH April – 29th Year - Women and Girls Fun Run registrations for 6 April 2014 are now open. This event supports OvCan ACT. Full details are on the website at: http://www.canberra.ymca.org.au/runnersclub/events/Pages/Women-and-Girls-Fun-Run.aspx
YCRC Members receive a discount.
Due to entry problems experienced online, the closing date for Early Bird entries has been extended to Sunday, 23 March at midnight. The final closing date for entries is Thursday, 3 April at 5pm.
Women and Girls’ Fun Run School Teams - All schools in the ACT are being contacted about entering teams in the Fun Run on 6 April as there are prizes in primary and secondary categories. If your children haven’t heard about a team from your school, please make some enquiries to try to generate more interest. A5 Flyers promoting the Fun Run on one side and the Jogalong on the other side are available from me kene@incanberra.com.au If you can noticeboard these at your place of work that would great.
YMCA Women and Girls’ Fun Run – Help - It is less than three weeks to our clubs first major event of 2014 and we urgently required more volunteers. If you can help for a few hours on the Sunday it would be much appreciated. If you send me an email kene@incanberra.com.au I will forward yourdetails to Sheri- Nouane Duncan-Jones, the event volunteers coordinator.
3. Australian Running Festival - Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th April 2014
The ARF is conducted by Fairfax Events and the YCRC are a strategic partner providing Fairfax with volunteers to assist conduct the festival over the two days. On Saturday fun runs over 5k and 10k are conducted and on the Sunday the half marathon, marathon and ultra-marathon (50k) will be run.
The club is looking for volunteers to assist with management of runners (not traffic) on each course. Roles include marshals, bike riders and start/finish team members. Approximately 30 club members are required for each of Saturday 12 (from 6:30 am to 10:00 am) and Sunday 13 (typical time from 7:00 am to noon, but some roles will vary). This is a major fund-raiser for the club as well as a chance to help and encourage runners through this iconic event. Please consider your availability to help.
If you can help with any of the following please email me kene@incanberra.com.au and I will forward your details to the relevant event coordinator.
4. YCRC Winter Series 2014 commences Saturday 26th April – Rear Campbell Park Offices – Northcott Drive, Campbell.
The first race of the YCRC Winter Series will be on Saturday 26 April at Campbell Park. Following feedback we received from Club members at the conclusion of last year’s series, we have made some changes for this year. Firstly, most events will now be on Saturday afternoons, with a 2 km race starting at 12.45. Except for major races, the two longer events will start at the same time at 1 pm. We will also have several events throughout the season early on Saturday mornings to accommodate those runners who can’t make Saturday afternoons, and these will also provide longer options, including some trail runs using the new Canberra Centenary Trail. Please keep an eye on the newsletter for details on the start times for upcoming events.
In designing the program we have tried to accommodate a wide range of runners and interests. We have introduced some new courses in response to suggestions from our survey last year, and have included ‘lead up’ events to major races like the Half Marathon and Canberra Times Fun Run. Several people had suggested having an event at the Arboretum, however at this stage the Arboretum people are a bit difficult to work with, as they are still sorting out their arrangements, but we are hoping to include a course there in 2015. We are still in the process of having our courses approved so there may be changes to the originally published program. For example, we have just been advised that we are not able to conduct events in the Jerrabomberra Wetlands, so are now looking at alternatives for the event scheduled for 9 August. These changes will be updated on the website and notified through the newsletter.
For the competitive among you, there are male and female Distance Runner and Junior (under 20) Distance Runner of the Year awards, which are point scores held across 6 events throughout the winter (best 4 to count). These events are marked on the program and will be promoted in the newsletter. The winner of each series gets their names engraved on our perpetual trophies (which they get to keep for the year), and also receives a $100 voucher from the Runners Shop (senior) or $50 (junior). These awards are only available to Club members, so make sure you are signed up well before our first event on 3 May.
For others, the winter series offers the opportunity to have a go at a variety of events in a low-key environment. If you want to discover some new places to run and meet up with other runners looking to improve their fitness, there are events to suit you. We welcome feedback on the series, so let us know whether you like the courses, start time options etc.
The series kicks off with a run on the dirt trails on the lower slopes of Mt Ainslie, starting at the Defence offices at Campbell Park on Northcott Drive. Northcott Drive is off Fairbairn Avenue, just one kilometre past the Australian War Memorial. Take Northcott Drive around the back or airport side of Campbell Park Offices. We should have our banner or tear drop flag denoting the start/finish area. A 2k will start at 12.45pm with the 6k starting at 1pm.
David Osmond is looking for helpers and managers for all the Winter Series events. Please contact him at davo.osmond@gmail.com if you are able to assist.
Calendar of Events for 2014 listed below. Unforseen changes will be published on our website or via this medium. Please note Jogalong first Sunday of each month except April.
Sat 26 April 12:45 pm Campbell Park 2/6k gr
Sat 3 May 8:00 am Kingston Physio West Basin 5k# 10* mile r
Sat 10 May 12:45 pm Mt Taylor 2/4/8k gr
Sat 17 May YMCA Half Marathon Eve 2/5k#
Sun 18 May YMCA Half Marathon*
Sat 24 May 12.45 pm Stromlo Forest Park 2/3/5k cc
Sat 31 May12:45 pm Symonston 2/4/9k cc
Sat 14 June Goorooyaroo 2/4/8k gr
Sat 21 June 8:00 am Longstaff/Pennington 4# 8* 16k*
Sat 28 June 12:45 pm Ginninderra Creek 2/5/10k r
Sat 5 July 8:00 am Black Mountain Trail Run 5/15k gr
Sat 12 July 12:45 pm Hackett 2/3/6k gr
Sat 19 July 12:45 pm ACT Cross Country Championships
Sat 26 July 12:45 pm Black Mountain Peninsula 2/4/8k r
Sat 2 August 12:45 pm Dunrossil Drive 2.1/4.2k#*
Sat 9 Aug 12:45 pm Venue TBA – Yarralumla area 2/4/8k gr
Sat 16 Aug 12:45 pm Runners Shop 2/5/10k*
Sat 30 Aug 12:45 pm Stromlo 2/4/8k cc/gr
Sat 6 Sept 12:45 pm North Lyneham 2/3.1/6.2k* DRY presentations
Sat 20 Sept 12:45 pm Mt Ainslie Loop 2/3/9k gr
Sat 27 Sept 7:00 am Cooleman Ridge Trail Run 4/12k gr
Sat 18 Oct 7:00 am Goorooyaroo Off Road Half Marathon
5. First Aid Volunteers
One of the requirements of the Club hiring venues around Canberra is that we have a qualified first aider at each event. If you have such qualifications and are willing to help out on an occasional basis, please contact one of the Club committee so that we can start a roster for the coming winter.
6. YMCA of Canberra Half Marathon – 17/18th May 2014 - The club will conduct the YMCA of Canberra Half Marathon, Incorporating 45th Annual Rex Foulkes Memorial Half Marathon’ and the Saturday events on the weekend of 17/18th May 2014. The half marathon caters for a two person relay team with each runner running 10.5k or where the first runner is joined at the half way point by a second runner.
Early Bird prize for all entries received online before COB 28th April 2014 – chance to win one of two $100 The Runners Shop Gift Vouchers.
Online registrations for the half marathon are now open at https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?E=11557
Registrations for 2 person relay teams are open at https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?ID=12090
Thank you for reading through to the end.
Ken Eynon\YCRC Committee