Saturday, 15 February 2014
lovely weather for (speedy) ducks
...but none of the speedyducks were at Acton Ferry Terminal this morning. I did have a long chat with Lyn and Kent though. And there were many people out running; mostly young women I don't remember seeing before. Maybe many are from the new intake at ANU as O week has been on. If so, this generation of young women are right into running. And none, absolutely none, of the young men, sadly.
I will TERMINAte the Saturday morning Ferry Terminal run now, as interest has waned, and I will revert to running some of the immensely popular parkruns instead.
My pattern, revised
Mondays PH intervals, supervising only
Tuesdays Summer Series race over 5k
Wednesday recovery
Thursday track race
Friday recovery
Saturday A parkrun race 5k
Sunday SFP interval training
What no long runs you say? There will be. When Summer Series ends I will turn Tuesdays into a very long day. And when track finishes or when I won't be running track, Thursday will be a second long day.
Q: What time does a duck wake up?
A: At the quack of dawn