What with a large number of tourists visiting Parliament House this time of year, massive numbers of students at school formals, and maiden speeches by prominent members of Parliament, it was chaos in the public car-park for Monday training this week.
At least three of us parked down the road and jogged up. Not a problem really, except some needed to get changed.
Many of us are on holidays so our numbers were down anyway.
Recent training sessions:
Thursday 28 November speedygeese @ Parliament House: Colin came along and ran the same session the group did on Monday - zigzag intervals at the lower flagpole area.
Saturday 30 November speedyducks @ Acton Ferry Terminal: Caleb joined me for an easy run.
Sunday 1 December speedygeese @ Stromlo Forest Park: I ran an 8k tempo run on the grass at Stromlo; but I did spend some time with Cathy & Caroline and others who were competing in the Women’s Jogalong, held at Stromlo this month and next.
Monday 2 December speedygeese @ Parliament House: I ran a steady 8k early with Miranda; then we took Andy, Christopher, Craig, me, Heather (new), Jen, Mick C, Miranda, Rae P, & Warrick to the big hill, southeast end, to run up the slope various distances. The two of us who ran early really struggled, it must have been the heat rather than the cracking pace. On the hill we were running "to points 1, 1½, 2, 2½, 3, or fence". The last run-up was "sprint up 2, jog back 1" until we reached the fence. Those who have done this session will know what this all means.
By all means join us: Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Thursday training will continue thru December, with the only break being Boxing Day, which is a Thursday.