Saturday, 30 November 2013


Tallulah the car; Blue. VF Commodore 3.6 litre SIDI direct Injection V6 engine and 6-speed automatic transmission with Active Select; Dual Exhaust; 71 litre tank; 4 wheel disc brakes. Electronic Stability Control; electronic power steering; automatic park assist; blind spot alert; reverse traffic alert; automatic release electric park brake; six airbags; rear spoiler; Mylink infotainment system with colour touch screen for radio CD USB bluetooth iPod integration phone navigation smartphone etc; DVD playback; Satnav system with live traffic updates, traffic navigation and points of interest; and more. And it is blue.

Tallulah the mascot: a chick, Maisy Maisy Mouse's best friend.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Dinner Plain Half Marathon

Happy Birthday Lucia, 32 today!

Sarah-Jayne (see ) is running this Sunday the "Dinner Plain Half Marathon" (

Looks good! See the half marathon course map at

By the look of the elevation, my guess is that S-J probably won’t run a PB. But she will definitely enjoy the run.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Fast and Speedy Form Guide

As 2013 nears its end, it is time once again to check out the form of the speedygeese.

Abi Fargher is running at Max speed these days.
Amanda Cook is speedy towards the end of an event, provided the event in question is a triathlon.
Andrew Simpson is sporty and healthy, and not ageing.
Andy Matthews has an aspirational goal: to run as fast as Jen Bright.
Bronwyn Calver is our only Hall of Fame-er. Has many speedy runs on the scoreboard.
Caroline Campbell age and speed will not weary her. But no ageing in evidence here.
Cathy Montalto an original goose, ran with us when the whole group was even speedier.
Cathy Newman always speeds up during a run, even during the 100m.
Christopher Lang would be speedier if running were not a warm-up for singing.
Clint Zirk who? That’s right, an alien with two (possibly) hearts. Built for speed.
Colin Farlow still training fast to train fast, déjà vu.
Craig Davis local hero. Speediest member of his household.
Eliza Middleton the secret of her speed is “ants in the pants”.
Ewen Thompson [see Cathy Montalto]
Garry Maher ageing grizzled sprinter, vulnerable in the 800m.
Geoff Moore biggest goose. Nice speedy car, but.
Jen Bright surges faster than the speed of bright.
Joel Pearson New M30, very speedy when allowed out.
Kathy Sims occasional visitor, speediest W60. Once never missed a session.
Kelley Flood [see Kelley Horan]
Kelley Horan [see Kelley Flood]
Kerrie Tanner talks about joining us again. A lot.
Kylie Malone warms up faster than my sprint.
Kym Chisholm due for a few wins, if she plays her cards right.
Lucia Pietropaoli warms up faster than my jog.
Margaret McSpadden could have claimed speedygeese longevity [see Ewen Thompson] if she hadn’t confessed to being a twin. Her identical sister was indeed speedy, even when walking.
Maria O'Reilly [see Kathy Sims]
Mick Charlton was speedy once, now quite retiring.
Mick Horan Always quick to follow orders. Not that it’s me giving the orders.
Miranda Rawlinson would feel safer if she drove to training in a good fast rugged SUV.
Peter Burke want to run a speedy 5k and break 20 minutes? Tag onto Peter.
Rae Palmer potential running streaker when she turns 67 next year. I will be watching!
Rod Lynch is he still speedier than his son? If so, not for long, but well done so far.
Ruth Baussmann thinks Canberra Marathon will be quicker than a freezing New York, even with all the hills of Canberra's new course.
Sarah-Jayne Miller New W30, hills don’t slow her down. Enough.
Susan Sturgeon A speedy return to health and 2014 looks good.
Tori Hennig [see Maria O'Reilly]
Warrick Howieson can be speedy. But not at the top of a hill towards the end of the marathon.
Yelena Pearson could be back to something like Max speed [see Abi Fargher] late next year, I would be expecting.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

New Canberra Marathon course

So if you are training for the April 13 Canberra Marathon you might like to train on some hilly courses. Detail at Canberra Marathon website

Our recent training sessions:
Thursday 21 November speedygeese @ Parliament House (new session)
Present were Andrew, Colin, Garry, me, and Miranda. We ran 12 x 150m "corridor sprints" on two minutes, from down by the lake to uphill on the grass.

Saturday 23 November speedyducks @ Acton Ferry Terminal
Caleb came and ran, and Jen, Miranda & I went on a longer run

Sunday 24 November speedygeese @ Stromlo Forest Park
This time I was the only starter, although it was not as cold as it has been that early in the day. The interval part of my run was 10 x 100m with a 200m jog in between. I am just starting to work more speed into the training sessions.

Monday 25 November speedygeese @ Parliament House
I ran early, as did Miranda. Then Andy, Bronwyn, Christopher, Garry, me, Jen, Kym, Miranda, Rae P, and Warrick trained in the main session which we divided into two parts with a six minute jog in between. At the lower flagpole section, the first part was 12 minutes of running triangles sprinting up the diagonal; the second part was 12 minutes of zigzag relays in teams of two.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Wednesday 13 November BBQ Stakes 6k Handicap
9. Helen Larmour 27:53
22. Jennifer Bright 25:44
31. Andrew Matthews 29:51
37. Caroline Campbell 38:20
54 finishers

Tuesday 19 November YCRC Spring Series #3
Black Mountain Peninsula 1.7k
5. Ewen Thompson M55 7:54
8. Caroline Campbell W70 8:43
25 finishers

Black Mountain Peninsula 5k
20. Helen Larmour W50 22:01
24. Maria O'Reilly W55 22:51
35. Kathy Sims W60 24:36
60 finishers

Friday 22 November Customs 5k Handicap
14 Bronwyn Calver 23:31
24 Caroline Campbell 30:19
26 finishers

Saturday 23 November Ginninderra Parkrun #83
66 Jill PEARSON 26:44 W55
134 finishers

Saturday 23 November Tuggeranong Parkrun #40
53 Ewen THOMPSON 25:32 M55-59
161 finishers

Saturday 23 November Gungahlin Parkrun #6
34 Amanda COOK 25:58 W35
57 Margaret MCSPADDEN 28:48 W65
120 finishers

Sunday 24 November ACTVAC Handicap
Central Curtin 6.3k
3 Christopher Lang M60 38:12 57.6%
13 Kym Chisholm W30 27:58 68.6
15 Marilyn Banfield W60 39:43 67.1
20 Rod Lynch M50 24:05 84.4
22 Maria O'Reilly W55 29:08 84.4
32 Mick Horan M50 27:19 75.0
37 Jennifer Bright W35 26:23 76.1
46 Andrew Matthews M50 31:22 65.3
73 finishers

Central Curtin 3k
38 Jill Pearson W55 23:43 45.5%
38 finishers

The games we play

Monday, 25 November 2013

song of the year

Over the next five Mondays I am going to feature my top five albums of 2013. However today I wanted to put in a plug for my "song of the year", for two reasons: the album it is from didn't make my top five, and the song itself is way better than any other I have ever heard; no contest. Since I have featured this song already this year, here is an acoustic version. The song is "Oceans(Where Feet May Fail)" sung by Taya Smith of Hillsong United. The album is called "Zion".


Sunday, 24 November 2013

about time

Spring must be over, no more angry birds.
It is safe again at Stromlo Forest Park.

About Time.

It's all about time

and the weather...

... This is the storm over Parliament House last Monday when we were training there.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Friday, 22 November 2013

ACTVAC future events

While the AIS track is closed for resurfacing, and I am sure they will start any time soon, there are still some events you can attend*

1. November Run/Walk Handicap – Change of Venue
Date: Sunday 24th November
Time: 8.30 am
Venue: Central Curtin - Curtin Primary School near the oval (on Theodore St C8 on Yellow Pages map 22).
The Thomas course is 6.3 km and the Frylink and Waddell courses are 3 km.
Cost: $4 for members, $8 for day membership

Please stay around after the Handicap events and enjoy some drinks (soft drinks, bubbly and beer) provided by the Club as this is the last event for the year. Annual awards will also be presented.

2. Albury T&F Meet 30 November
Athletics ACT invites members from ACTVAC to join its own members in travelling to Albury for an inaugural track and field meet on 30 November. The Border Track & Field Senior Club and surrounding Riverina athletes will provide competitors with a great afternoon of competition. The entry fee for athletes is just $5.00.

A Charter Coach has been booked and will depart the AIS car park at 8.30am arriving by 12.30pm. Competition commences at 2pm through until 6pm with the coach leaving Albury around 6.30pm for arrival at the AIS 10.30-11pm. The bus will stop at Gundagai on the way and likewise on the return trip.

All passengers will be charged a small admin fee of $10.00 and an online facility is now available on the AACT website at so you can book your seat! A draft program is also available using this link.

3. AACT & Gininderra Little Athletics Meet – Charnwood Oval Sat 23 November
Ginninderra Little Athletics is hosting an ‘all comers’ Athletics ACT Summer Series T&F Meet on Saturday 23 November commencing at 12.00pm. The club oval is located on Lhotsky St, Charnwood. All ACTVAC members are invited to compete.

*I shall use the break to focus on training

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Why lift weights when you can run against gravity?

This article promotes hill sessions twice a week:
which is what we will be doing until the end of the year - some kind of hill work at Parliament House on Mondays and Thursdays!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

arboretum photos

Not photos of trees - photos of some of the speedygeese who were in the October ACTVAC handicap.


Christopher has returned to a couple of training sessions after a long absence


I haven't seen Jill at training for a while but she is still going in the Vets handicaps and some of the Parkruns


Always photogenic, Ruth is still overseas travelling around the US after completing the New york marathon

Who has been at training?
This Monday at Parliament House I jogged around after a week off, and supervised the group running for 30 minutes a 400m loop with a 270m loop recovery. Participating were Andy, Bronwyn, Craig, Garry, Jen, Kym, and Rae W.

**This Thursday I have decided to train at Parliament House at 5:30pm, anyone can come along.  All being well, we will continue training there for the rest of the year**

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

recent race results

Wednesday 6 November BBQ Stakes 6k Handicap
23. Andrew Matthewss 29:36
24. Kerrie Tanner 29:56
29. Helen Larmour 27:59
48. Caroline Campbell 44:25
54 finishers

Tuesday 12 November YCRC Spring Series #2
Barrenjoey Drive 2k
5. Ewen Thompson M55 10:26
9. Caroline Campbell W70 12:34
17 finishers
(The first four finishers were aged 8, 9, 10 and 11 respectively!)

Barrenjoey Drive 5k
9. Jennifer Bright W35 21:05
15. Mick Horan M50 21:35
21. Maria O'Reilly W55 23:05
39. Mick Charlton M60 28:30
49 finishers

Friday 15 November Customs 5k Handicap
Bronwyn Calver 22:59
Jennifer Bright 28:44
Caroline Campbell 28:51

Saturday 16 November Ginninderra Parkrun #82
33 Lucia PIETROPAOLI 23:19 W30
71 Jill PEARSON 26:39 W55
139 finishers

Saturday 16 November Tuggeranong Parkrun #39
175 finishers

Saturday 16 November Gungahlin Parkrun #5
42 Margaret MCSPADDEN 28:23 W65 New PB!
83 finishers

Monday, 18 November 2013


Song of the week: "Bear", by Sparrow Folk.

Sparrow Folk are the Canberra "Exhumed" winners. Exhumed is a new series on ABC1. If you missed it last week, part 1 can be downloaded from

Part 2 (of 5) will be shown on ABC1 at 8:00pm this Thursday 21st. For fans of good local amateur music, "Exhumed" is not to be missed! And just like the "Vets", all participants must be at least 30 years old, with most being somewhat older!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

2014 goals

Goals for the year 2014

1. Run the Centenary Trail
The plan is to run each of the seven sections of Canberra's Centenary Trail in 2014, on seven separate days. Company would be good and I will have to arrange transport. Information about the trail is found at Here is an excerpt and there are maps and very detailed guides.

What is the Centenary Trail?
The Centenary Trail is a 145 kilometre self-guided, non-motorised loop trail for walkers and touring cyclists that showcases Canberra and takes users on a journey between urban and rural environments past iconic sites and hidden treasures.
The Centenary Trail is divided into daily sections, spaced for walkers and bike riders. Users are able to join or leave the trail in many locations.
The Centenary Trail is:
  • a seven day walk, averaging just over 20 kilometres per day or
  • a three day ride, averaging just over 45 kilometres per day.
The trail is designed to be accessible for as many walkers and cyclists as possible. It follows fire trails, walking tracks and shared paths in urban and natural areas and is open to everyone. The trail is designed for low intensity use by all walkers and cyclists of moderate ability and is generally less than 10 percent gradient.
Trail Sections

Section 1 - Parliament House to Watson
Section 2 - Watson to Northern Border Campsite
Section 3 - Northern Border Campsite to Hall Village
Section 4 - Hall Village to Black Mountain
Section 5 - Black Mountain to Stromlo Forest Park
Section 6 - Stromlo Forest Park to Tuggeranong Town Centre
Section 7 - Tuggeranong Town Centre to Parliament House

2. Keep working out at the gym (as well as running)
I have enjoyed working out at the CIT gym for the last couple of months and will continue to do so. Unlikely to go elsewhere, too.

3. Break 20 minutes for 5000m.
This goal says it all. Obviously there are a host of sub-goals about training I might have listed. Let's just say "whatever it takes"*

*not in the Essendon Football Club sense of this motto

Saturday, 16 November 2013

How to get race ready in four weeks

This is an article from the Running Competitor website
and four weeks preparation from virtually nothing is exactly what I did after a month touring outback Queensland in August this year and before the Australian Masters Games in early October.

I like the following quotes from the article:

“My advice with only four weeks to go is to not over-commit on the training.”

“A runner going from little training to guns blazing shouldn’t expect a personal best”

“Building mileage isn’t as important as focusing on quality workouts with only four weeks to go until your race.”

“use your last quality session in week 4 to prime you for the race.”

Of course, one of the problems I had was that I would be racing three long hard races in five days. The other problem was the strained lower back I sustained just days before the first race, which meant the focus had to move towards fixing that - by resting. But it is possible to do three things at once: "train to race and race to train simultaneously" and recover from an acute injury. And plan the race tactics. Four things.

My pattern over the four weeks, though not the detail, followed that recommended in the article. I had a short buildup and a short taper, I focussed more on quality in between, and I had one short race as a tune up for the Games. Note - just the one.

So it's possible to get race sharp in four weeks. Not the best plan, but sometimes necessary. Particularly when injuries or work, or holidays even, intervene and you have to keep starting again.

Friday, 15 November 2013

coming events

From the side-bar, which I update every day or two:
Friday 15 November
12:10pm Customs 5k (handicapped race)

Saturday 16 November
8:00am Ginninderra 5k Parkrun #82
8:00am Tuggeranong 5k Parkrun #39
8:00am Gungahlin 5k Parkrun #5
9:00am speedyducks @ Acton Ferry Terminal

Monday 18 November
4:30pm easy run @ Parliament House
5:30pm Speedygeese @ Parliament House (intervals)

Tuesday 19 November
6:15pm YCRC Spring Series #3 Black Mountain Peninsula 5k

Wednesday 20 November
12:10pm BBQ Stakes 6k (handicapped race)

Friday 22 November
12:10pm Customs 5k (handicapped race)

Saturday 23 November
8:00am Ginninderra 5k Parkrun #83
8:00am Tuggeranong 5k Parkrun #40
8:00am Gungahlin 5k Parkrun #6
9:00am *speedyducks @ Acton Ferry Terminal

Sunday 24 November
7:00am *speedygeese @ Stromlo Forest Park (long intervals)
9:00am ACTVAC handicap, Central Curtin (new venue)

*=I expect to attend

Note I have removed the asterix from a couple of events because I will not be able to make training for a little while yet. I am HOPING to resume training on Saturday 23rd and go from there. But until then, running is not a good idea.

If you ever want to know exactly what training and racing is happening in the next seven days, open this blog and view the sidebar.

Another service I can offer you is, if you wish to receive an email on a weekly basis let me know: an email sent on Mondays which gives you the coming events for the next seven days, and the blog posts for the previous seven days. You won't be giving me more work because I already send that email to a short list of people and it is just a matter of me adding your name to the contact list, and voilà.

44 years ago today Jenny and I announced our engagement! We were married the next year.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

video from the 2000 olympics

Do we remember the Jane Saville story? Here is a video of the event where she was disqualified while leading, on the down-ramp into the stadium at Homebush, Sydney. She wasn't the only casualty of the walk judges, as you will see.


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

november rain

Training report: cold; rain; cold rain. A few hardy souls turning up for training sessions.

Saturday 9 November speedyducks @ Acton Ferry Terminal - Just me. Just before the rains.
Sunday 10 November speedygeese @ Stromlo Forest Park - Me and Cookie. Cold, we got out of there asap and then the rains came. I was already under the weather and barely ran; Cookie ran 3 x 1k with 100m recovery.
Monday 11 November speedygeese @ Parliament House - Just Andy, Christopher, Jen, Craig. Some did 15 x west side hill loops. No rain while training was on, there was a let-up at exactly the right time. Then it returned. Grass was a little soggy but runnable. Glad I didn't go, it would have been awfully treacherous driving home.

This has to be the "song of the month"! Both the song, and the video, have been a solid personal favourite of mine for a long long time!

Song of the month: "November Rain", Guns ‘N Roses

Keep warmmmmmm!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

cold therapy

Hello world, I am not running for a few days under doctor's orders. Though I feel like I can. I went to the doctor yesterday to get cryotherapy for Bowen’s disease, for one (large) spot, which I have had for many years but which was very gradually growing, on one leg. Too much sun!
(see )

Meanwhile here are the latest race results.

Wednesday 16 October BBQ Stakes 6k Handicap
4. Jennifer Bright 30:56
5. Kerrie Tanner 30:57
27. Andrew Matthews 29:02
60 finishers

Sunday 3 November YCRC Women’s 6k Jogalong
32. Kathy Sims 29:21
47. Marilyn Banfield 38:10
72 finishers

Tuesday 5 November YCRC Spring Series #1 Stirling Ridge 2.6k
10. Caroline Campbell W70 15:55
23 finishers

Tuesday 5 November YCRC Spring Series #1 Stirling Ridge 5.2k
8. Jennifer Bright W35 21:22
13. Craig Davis M45 22:16
21. Andrew Matthews M50 23:47
29. Mick Horan M50 25:17
38. Mick Charlton M60 28:57
53 finishers

Thursday 7 November ACTVAC Track and Field
M50 Rod Lynch 11:04.82 77.%
W30 Kym Chisholm 12:53.71 65.1
W65 Margaret McSpadden 16:59.65 72.5
W70 Caroline Campbell 16:32.96 80.9

800m Handicap
3. M50 Rod Lynch 2.26.26
7. W60 Kathy Sims 3.14.34
26. W65 Margaret McSpadden 4.08.28
32 finishers

7 lap spiral handicap
1. Margaret McSpadden W65 16:35
9. Rod Lynch M50 11:25
15 finishers

Friday 8 November Customs 5k Handicap
11. Jennifer Bright 24:07
15. Caroline Campbell 31:35
16. Bronwyn Calver 24:16
23 finishers

Saturday 9 November Ginninderra Parkrun #81
141 finishers

Saturday 9 November Tuggeranong Parkrun #38
161 finishers

Saturday 9 November Gungahlin Parkrun #4
24. Amanda Cook 25:18 W35 New PB!
40. Margaret McSpadden 28:57 W65
89 finishers

Sunday 10 November Deep Space Mountain Marathon
2. Kym Chisholm 52:02 (1st woman)
32 finishers in the 10k.
Full results at this link.

It looks pretty cold at the start ... and it was!

Not as cold as yesterday at Mt Franklin!

Monday, 11 November 2013

blue shadows

Song of the week: Blue Shadows On The Trail

The movie "The Three Amigos" starring Steve Martin in his best role (although "Roxanne" was pretty good too), Chevy Chase, and the other guy, is quite under-rated.

Other memorable songs include My Little Buttercup

And of course the singing bush

...all classics!

Sunday, 10 November 2013

The Book Thief

One of the best novels of all time is coming to the cinema in January! And Australia's best actor is the male lead!


Saturday, 9 November 2013

Friday, 8 November 2013

Thursday, 7 November 2013

800m: sprinter versus distance runner

My favourite race was always the 800 metres. It is the shortest track race run in the inside lane. It is the most tactical race of them all. Winning a contest of wills in the 800m is most rewarding.

Let's say I, a distance runner, want to resume racing the 800m after a long absence from the event. Over the years I have learnt to run at a steady pace. I need to re-learn one important aspect of 800m racing, the surge.

My training program, while having to include more of an emphasis on speed, strength, and anaerobic capability, will also need to include surging practice.

In an 800m race, a sprinter can sit and kick at the end, provided they have added some aerobic and anaerobic endurance. A distance runner with superior endurance can wait until the end and out-run a sprinter, provided the pace has been quick enough. Or a distance runner can try and make a break earlier, to get away and build up a lead, but a well conditioned sprinter should be able to cover any breaks.

Whether wanting the ability to make breaks, or to cover breaks, what is needed is the ability to surge at will. Surging - the ability to run at varying pace while very close to top pace. This can be practised at every training session.

Ron Clarke, although very much a pacer, was know for his ability to throw in very long surges during his 10,000m track races. Surging is not just for the 800m.

Success of the top Kenyans is not just about their amazing fitness, but their ability to surge hard at top speed during distance races.

In cross country races, a surge up and over the top of a hill will drop any opponent who wants to "rest" at the top.

So you see that learning to surge is a skill which can be used for a wide range of races.

How to practise surging? Interval training on undulating tracks i.e. Stromlo Forest Park. Aim for fast times and vary the pace considerably throughout each interval. Train with others where you can chop and change the lead and the pace. All good fun.

Why this topic? Let's say I, a distance runner type, hope to run some short middle distance (400, 800, 1500) track races again. Let's say I can motivate myself by setting up a challenge with a good sprinter type in my age group, meeting halfway in the 800m. Let's say one of yesterday's photos is a clue. Let's say this training starts first week in December.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

back in training

Mick C





These people trained with us this week

Saturday 2 November - the speedyducks @ Acton Ferry Terminal were Me (15k), Andy (15k), Caleb (4k), Elspeth (6k)

Sunday 3 November - the speedygeese @ Stromlo Forest Park were Me (200s), Andrew (kms), Lucia (kms)

Monday 4 November - the speedygeese @ Parliament House were Cookie, Andy, Bronwyn, Garry, me, Jen, Kelley, Kym, Mick C, Mick H, Rae. We conducted continuous relays with teams of three on the (shortest) SE loop, 270m, running for 30 minutes continuously, each person jogging a lap recovery in between their efforts.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

they're off and running

Wednesday 9 October BBQ Stakes 6k Handicap
18. Kerrie Tanner 29:24
32. Andrew Matthews 29:42
35. Jennifer Bright 26:07
37. Caroline Campbell 37:40
55. Helen Larmour 33:31
59 finishers

Wednesday 30 October BBQ Stakes 6k Handicap
3. Kerrie Tanner 30:28
33. Andrew Matthews 29:01
41. Helen Larmour 30:09
48. Jennifer Bright 26:15
56 finishers

Thursday 31 October ACTVAC Track and Field
M65 Garry Maher in an M65 team which ran 4:54.83 (ACT Record)

M50 Rod Lynch 4:57.49 83.2%
W50 Helen Larmour 6:02.52 80.4

Friday 1 November Customs 5k
Bronwyn Calver 23:14

Saturday 2 November Ginninderra Parkrun #80
61 Jill PEARSON 27:10 W55
115 finishers

Saturday 2 November Tuggeranong Parkrun #37
141 Ewen THOMPSON 43:41 M55
148 finishers

Saturday 2 November Gungahlin Parkrun #3
53 Margaret MCSPADDEN 28:46 W65
103 finishers

Saturday 2 November Sprint Triathlon
98 Amanda Cook 1:30.10
118 finishers

 Bob Harlow running in Saturday's triathlon. Now if Bob Harlow, Robbie Costmeyer, Garry Maher, Geoff Sims, Graham Burke, Des Brown, Kent Williams and I all got fit we could put together some awesome M65 relay teams... Surely four of us could strike form at the same time?

I plan to commence track training in December. I plan to not race again until mid January, or at the very most run in a 5k race around 3 December before the training begins, just to see where I am at. A visit to Gungahlin Parkrun on 30 November perhaps? Or Tuesday's Spring series race, no longer at Stromlo, if the replacement course is a good one?

Monday, 4 November 2013


Song of the Week: "Lakehouse", by Of Monsters and Men.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

innocent bystander

Yesterday I stood and watched Cookie in her first triathlon. When she emerged after the swim leg there were behind her still in the lake only two women and one swan. However I can report she blitzed the two transitions, the cycle leg, and the run leg.




Later I was watching the ABC News and this time it was not I who was the innocent bystander, but my lovely lady wife. The item was about the Canberra High School reunion, and Jenny somehow worked her way into the background when everyone else had left.

She claimed to be unaware of the cameras. Hmmm.
This was the family's best accidental TV coverage since my appearance at the Melbourne Marathon, watching on St Kilda road, 13 months ago.

Friday, 1 November 2013

YCRC news

Spring Series 6:15pm Tuesdays
5 November Stirling Ridge 5.2k
11 November Barrenjoey Drive 5k
18 November Black Mountain Peninsula 5k
26 November Boathouse East 5k
3 December Stromlo Forest Park 5k [Edit - venue now changed, tba]

YCRC Annual Meeting – Monday 28 Oct 2013
Big thank you to all attendees and thank you to those who indicate their apologies for last night’s Annual Meeting.  The following elections were made: President Geoff Sims, Vice President Carol Ey, Treasurer Graeme Small, and Secretary Craig Davis.  Committee members Annie Schofield, Nick O’Neill, Georgina Tozer, Tina Dilegge, Sue Moloney, Lars Rutz, Kate Vandenberg, Richard Lucas, Dave Osmond, Dave Hobson and Ken Eynon.

Jogalong Sunday 3 Nov 2013 The very popular Women and Girls Jogalong, comprising 6k Handicap, 3k and 1.6km mini jog for young children will take place at Grevillea Park, East Basin this Sunday.  Jogalong is free to club members.  Memberships for remainder of 2013 and all of 2014 can now be made online.  See YCRC memberships below.
The Jogalong and 3k start at 9am, and the Mini Jog shortly after. The very popular warm up is conducted before the Jogalong and all participants must register, so please turn up early.

Spring Series 2013
The first events of the 2013 Spring Series commences at 6.15pm Tuesday 5 Nov.  The start/finish is located at the junction of Hopetoun Circuit and Alexandrina Drive Yarraluma.  Please note that this is not the advertised location, which was Weston Park.  Unfortunately Weston Park is still a construction site and not available.   The 2k/5k events will get underway at 6.15pm sharp.
The Spring Series is great for beginners, and caters for runners and joggers of all standards.
The Spring Series of 2k/5k events runs from 5 November and concludes with the Christmas Relays on 10 December at Lennox Gardens.

Other Events
The Ben Donohoe 6.3/3.4kkm Runs and Walks for Fun will be held this Sunday at John Knight Park. Lake Ginninderra   Late registrations will be taken on the morning from 8am.  The events start at 9.30am and 9.45am respectively.   Entries are big and parking in the Belconnen/Lake Ginninderra area will be difficult to obtain so arrive early.  These events are stage by the Sports Admin students at Hawker College and all monies go to charity.

YCRC Memberships from now until Christmas 2014
Memberships for the remainder of 2013 and the whole of 2014 can now be made via Register Now and the link on the club website see red membership tab on the left hand side.