Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Should I be running right now?

Speedygeese Training sessions:
On Sunday 27 October at Stromlo Forest Park I started training at 7:00am along with 1400+ cyclists on the road but no runners. Joel, Andrew arrived late to run 3 x 1k but they will change their tune when summer arrives.

On Monday 28 October at Parliament House there were no early starters; I arrived at 5:30pm to join Andy, Bronwyn, Craig, Garry, Jen, Maria, Mick, and Tori. I forgot the chin-ups but never mind I have started practising them, assisted. The group (including me) ran 15 x 100m on 2 minutes (240m recovery) and to train our brain, ran in reverse numbers 6-10 and 12 and 13. Christopher arrived late and ran the last couple of loops.

Also on Saturday 26 October I met the speedyducks for running easy... this beginners' group will continue each Saturday, 9:00am, Acton Ferry Terminal.

Yesterday's question has been answered! Go Ruth, Go CJ!