We have launched the new Saturday morning running group - the speedyducks. We have nuked the old Metro Runners group and the ducks have grown from the ashes. The new group is for beginners, and when I am there I will always tag along and encourage them, going for a longer run before and/or afterwards.
Details: Acton Ferry Terminal, 9:00am every Saturday morning.
Admittedly I am away both 5 October and 12 October but I am hoping the group will still meet then. I have made the Facebook group an open group so if you know anyone who might be interested, but is rather deterred from joining the speedygeese because of our alleged speed, point them at the FB page and tell them they are welcome to join.
By the way, the speedygeese facebook page can be found at I like the fact that we can give names, not just numbers, to groups on Facebook now.
The name "speedyducks" was inspired by the big Floriade duck, which we visited last Saturday on our detour through the Floriade flower gardens.