Saturday, 21 September 2013

excellent day for a run

Although only a short run this morning, Caleb, Elspeth, Daisy and I kept bumping into people I knew so it took a good while! At the start, Lucia and Andrew were just finishing their run, then I had a chat with Liz ditto. Then Warrick was coming the other way as we were admiring the finishing chute for today's 100k Canberra Centenary race straight up the steepest side of Regatta point (since the 100k started this morning we doubted that we would see any finishers); Justine coming through fast in the other direction; Scott and Adele walking up to the Alzheimer Fun Run, Susan there warming up, and more I cannot remember. A highlight of our run was going through Floriade where we kept stopping for large rubber ducks, organ music, chickens, dogs, and of course flowers. But the big highlight was coming out of Aspen Island where we met two ‎Carillonneurs heading up towards their Carillon with music in hand, and we stopped and chatted to them about their music and the nature of a Carillon. all in all a lovely spring morning in Canberra and thousands of people out enjoying our lakeside.

Aspen Island and the Carillon