Bush Capital Bush Marathon
speedygeese results
16km Bush Run Male 23 Paul Foley 28 1.20.07
16km Bush Run Male 33 Andrew Simpson 46 1.22.40
16km Bush Run Male 49 Ewen Thompson 56 1.28.13
16km Bush Run Female 4 Kelley Horan 52 1.20.46
16km Bush Run Female 12 Susan Sturgeon 39 1.27.08
16km Bush Run Female 17 Lucia Pietropaoli 31 1.28.26
16km Bush Run Female 49 Caroline Campbell 70 1.43.03
Half Marathon (21.1km) Male 26 Mick Horan 54 1.51.32
Half Marathon (21.1km) Male 36 Kristian Pithie 40 1.57.56
Half Marathon (21.1km) Male 44 Geoff Moore 65 2.04.00
Half Marathon (21.1km) Female 6 Kelley Horan 52 1.50.09
Half Marathon (21.1km) Female 18 Bronwyn Calver 43 2.01.57
Just checked - in the half marathon, the oldest person in front of me was 64 years old so I achieved a goal of having no-one older than me in front of me. On the other hand, the 64 year old was ten minutes in front of me and was in fact Susan Archer! I won't retire yet, but it was a near thing.
Congratulations to 52 year old Kelley who was 4th in Saturday's 16k then 6th in Sunday's half marathon. Fancy coming back for a second dose of punishment!
In total, 10 finished the 63.3k, 28 the 42.2k, 107 the 21.1k, 175 the 16k, 31 the 10k, 23 the 5k, and 17 the 2k.
Congratulations go to John Harding for another brilliantly organised event.
Before. Charlie and I.
During. Kelley and I. Beanie and gloves.
Finish. No beanie no gloves.
Kelley finishing the 21.1k.
Kelley in the 16k.
Ewen in the 16k
Two races in two days ... done!
In other news, a baby was born yesterday. Penelope Ruth Caskie, grand-daughter of Ruth Baussmann, arrived in Sydney. At the Prince of Wales hospital, no less. She has a name and a jolly good name at that. There is even a photograph at this link, so the Women's Weekly should be happy.
Also today is the birthday of one of my grandsons. Congratulations Josiah Hall, 13 years old today!
In other results, another grandson, 9 year old Jackson Moore from Melbourne, went in his first gym comp and was overall winner. That's the seven gymnasts, so far, among my descendants, including two daughters, four grand-daughters, and now one grandson! Must be the good genes.
On Friday Bronwyn ran the Customs 5k in 23:16, a good warm-up run for an excellent 21.1k on Sunday. Well I couldn't keep up with her after 5k of it!
On Saturday no speedygeese ran in the parkruns given that the Bush Capital events were on. Ginninderra #65 had 83 runners, the winner being my mate Scott McTaggart in 15:50, and Tuggeranong #22 had another 100 runners. Remarkably high numbers in these events.
Monday night training was the boys' night out. Andrew, Andy, Craig, Garry & Warrick ran 15 x 100m hills on 2 minutes, with a 230m recovery jog between each. Of the girls, only Cathy showed and that was for the early run. I jogged early too and managed 11.5k in total, a pleasing recovery session given that my cold feels no better. But no worse either. By the way, it wasn't cold. Not on Monday. Not like Sunday.