Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Speedygeese results BBQ Stakes 29 May
10. Kerrie Tanner 30:26
11. Jennifer Bright 30:32
16. Gary Bowen 28:28
42. Caroline Campbell 38:07
51. Andrew Matthews 28:53
58. Roger Pilkington 55:45
59. Helen Larmour 55:47
64 finishers

Not one wanting to entertain floccinaucinihilipilification, I present a story from Jen Bright. “I now have proof that there is a direct link between children and hair loss.... my too lovely ‘middle children’ decided to pretend to be hairdressers and do my hair (inspired by anita doing laura's yesterday).... anyway there I am sitting there feeling rather tired as the two are pulling my head in every direction doing my hair and spray nice apple smelling avon hair product in my hair... rather relaxing I thought... should be doing other things but hey Im meant to be resting - no ones fighting so hey... hmmm suddenly they starting rubbing in some sort of new hair product.. a cream rather than a spray... it doesn't smell so pleasant so I ask them what they are putting in... they proudly produce a bottle that they say says ‘hair’ on it... I look at it and discover it was the hair remover I hadn't had a chance to put away from shopping.... for my legs not my hair..... I running off screaming to the shower... they discover why and start giggling...... anyone wanting a few extra children!”


And now, back to the normal trivia.
Bananas can make you happy.