Monday training at Parliament House: I don't know if anyone went, the weather was appalling.
Speedygeese running the Customs 5k on Friday 21 June
Tim Calver 19:18
Andrew Simpson 20:38
Bronwyn Calver 22:27
In case you haven’t noticed there is to be an election this year, this will bring you up to date. One of the best ever Clarke and Dawes.
Weekend of 20/21 July at Campbell High School both days.
Online registration is open at and there is a 10% discount for all entries by 1 July (next Monday) and a 20% discount for family entries (2 parents and 12 or more children under 20 years of age). The Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival raises funds to assist the Australian mountain running teams going to World Championships in Poland in August and September.
SATURDAY 20 July 2013
9.00am 16km bush run and 16km bush walk
11.00am 5km and 10km walks
12.00pm Under 13 years 2km children’s run
12.30pm 10km run
12.35pm 5km run
SUNDAY 21 July 2013
7.30am 63.3km ultra run and relay (triple half marathon)
8.30am 42.2km bush marathon run, walk and relay; half marathon walk
9.30am 21.1km bush half marathon run
The start/finish on both days is the Campbell High School sports field at the junction of Limestone Avenue and Treloar Crescent, Campbell ACT. The out and back half marathon course used last year for the marathon, half marathon and ultra-marathon in Goorooyaroo and Mulligans Flat reserves is not available this year because of a kangaroo cull in these reserves in late July. It has been replaced by a half marathon course in Mt Ainslie and Mt Majura reserves (a shortened version of the 25 km course used for several years); this is hillier but more interesting and quite scenic.