Thursday, 13 June 2013

"All ACT sportsgrounds are open" was a lie

*** All ACT sportsgrounds are now closed ***
I wish they would follow their own rules about advising this!

Results Sri Chinmoy half marathon
Caroline Campbell 2:09.57 first W70
Sri Chinmoy 5 mile
Kym Chisholm 35:26 first female

Kaleen tonight

All ACT sportsgrounds are open. Training is on.

We cancel Kaleen & Dickson if (and only if) the govt closes sports grounds.
"All ACT Government Sportsgrounds are currently: OPEN
"Please contact (02) 6207 5957 for ground closure information. Please note that this information is updated at 9am each working day."

This from

I rang the number and the grounds are open.
They have closed all sportsgrounds this afternoon. Training is not on.