Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Back to training today

Results BBQ Stakes 22 May
2. Gary Bowen 28:54
18. Kerrie Tanner 28:56
26. Jennifer Bright 27:00
47. Andrew Matthews 29:36
50. Caroline Campbell 39:53
51. Roger Pilkington 39:42
52. Helen Larmour 32:21
57 finishers

Half Marathoner Photos (cont)

 Emma P





Here is one event not to miss. Kym, Kelley, and Caroline are taking part, and the rest of us plan to assemble at the top of Stromlo before the start, 8:00am, for a jog and to watch the event, cheering the runners on.
Australian Mountain Running Championships this Sunday
The Australian Mountain Running Championships, including the Australian Masters Mountain Running Championships, will be conducted this Sunday over a 4 km loop starting and finishing at the summit of Mt Stromlo, on Mt Stromlo (NOT Stromlo Forest Park). The Championships cater for all age groups from 16 years to age 75 years and over. See Mark Bourne, Martin Dent and Melissa Clarke in action against the best in Australia. The race program is:

8.45am Australia Junior Women’s 4 km & Veteran Women’s W60 and over 4 km
8.50am Australian Open Women’s & W35 to W55 8 kms
9.20am Australian junior men’s 8 kms
9.45am Australian open men’s and M40 to M50 12 km; Australian M55 to M70 8kms;
Australian M75 and over 4kms

Local distance runners are strongly encouraged to participate by either running, helping out or spectating and can enter online and see full event details at www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au. More helpers are needed, especially as course marshalls; contact John Harding at hackettrunner@hotmail.com or 6248 6905.

On 31 August the annual World Masters Mountain Running Championships will be conducted in the Czech Republic. See http://www.maratonstav.cz/page.php?id=51

Training last night
For the record, since there was no training last night to report on, enjoying dinner at the Phnom Penh in Belconnen were Kerrie, Andy M, Clint, Me, Jenny M, Gregg, Joel, Yelena, Mick H, Kym, Margaret , Miranda, Andy R, Ruth, David, Sarah-Jayne, Susan, Eliza, Rex, Andrew S, Warrick, CJ, Kelley, Janene, & Jen B in no particular order. Something we haven't done for a while, cancel the running session and do something social. Some missed out if I didn't manage to get in touch, others couldn't make it, and if that's you and you are keen to do something similar in a smaller group fairly soon, do get in touch and we can work something out.

Today it's back to Dickson - I will be there at 4:00pm sharp as usual for a long run. I am feeling much more like it this week! And I promise it won't be super fast.