Saturday, 27 April 2013

sunny parkrun anniversary

Ginninderra Parkrun #53 - first anniversary - Saturday 27 April
51 Kristian PITHIE 21:54
57 Janene KINGSTON 22:38 New PB!
59 Kelley FLOOD 22:45 First Timer!
69 Thea ZIMPEL 24:08 New PB!
97 Yelena PEARSON 26:58
139 Margaret MCSPADDEN 30:16
188 finishers
Did Kelley Horan forget her relatively new surname when she registered?

Tuggeranong Parkrun #10
14 Yili ZHU 22:51
67 finishers

Record numbers parkrunning. Also at Stromlo, a good number of youngsters enjoying the beautiful sunshine later in the morning. I enjoyed a couple of easy runs in two of the races - nothing to write home about - before hitting the trails to complete 18k+.

Parkrun's anniversary


